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im not talking shit. i gave you my opinion, and then you guys are calling me a dumbass. how am i talking shit? i think its funny that you got mad. if i would have said "its good, but needs improvement" you wouldnt have cared, or questioned, youre just mad because you didnt get the reply you wanted.

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im not talking shit. i gave you my opinion, and then you guys are calling me a dumbass. how am i talking shit? i think its funny that you got mad. if i would have said "its good, but needs improvement" you wouldnt have cared, or questioned, youre just mad because you didnt get the reply you wanted.


I would have asked "what would make it better, what to improve on" .


Stop dude, just stop, your wasting space on 12oz servers.

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im not talking shit. i gave you my opinion, and then you guys are calling me a dumbass. how am i talking shit? i think its funny that you got mad. if i would have said "its good, but needs improvement" you wouldnt have cared, or questioned, youre just mad because you didnt get the reply you wanted.


no, im not mad, and yes i woulda cared if you told me what to improve on. i dont post much, cuz i know im not that great at peicing, i just thought this was the best one i prolly did, and wanted to see what i needed to improve. but im done now, this is stupid to keep arguing like this, so ima shut up now

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honestly, you have no room to call anyone out because you suck fuckin bad so whether or not i rule is good or not is irrelevant because youre still going to suck. you do not have straight letters down and i can prove it, post some shit up and lets see how "down" youve got staights cause i bet they suck just as bad, if you want criticism take it for what its worth , you do suck, you do need to go back and read and you do need to do more simples plain and fuckin.... simple ;).......... now stop coming on here like youre some fuckin king saying we have to be in the toy thread to help you, and if you begin to question my abilities just remember ive been in the game longer than youve been buying stupid ass tribal shirts so dont be stupid and step.

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honestly, you have no room to call anyone out because you suck fuckin bad so whether or not i rule is good or not is irrelevant because youre still going to suck. you do not have straight letters down and i can prove it, post some shit up and lets see how "down" youve got staights cause i bet they suck just as bad, if you want criticism take it for what its worth , you do suck, you do need to go back and read and you do need to do more simples plain and fuckin.... simple ;).......... now stop coming on here like youre some fuckin king saying we have to be in the toy thread to help you, and if you begin to question my abilities just remember ive been in the game longer than youve been buying stupid ass tribal shirts so dont be stupid and step.


Guessing your reffering to me.


Another Flame, but atleast there is some critisism to help...


And tribal shit it gay, i definitly dont wear that shit.


And , "dont be stupid and step." lol... you sound so cool dude, wish i was like you.


but thanks for the critisism.

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i shouldnt have to say "simple straight letters" again. nobody should. and when did i say i was better than anyone? you guys ask for opinions, so i give it. i tell you what i think.


edit - and i havent really posted anything in a while, so you couldnt possibly know that, could you?





so post sumthin asshole obviously if your good enough to tell all these people they suck then you must have sumthin good for us, dont you think???

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yeah, when i have a camera, and feel like taking pictures and putting them on my computer, ill post them. but i dont, so i cant.


oh yeah and this thread went to shit all it is is assholes who will probably never meet eachother talkin shit to eachother ill admit that i talked a lill shit to iruleeverything right here but he says he dont post shit cus he dont have a camera.... well then since you dont have anything to post other than useless fucking arguments that ruin the thread than just DONT FUCKING POST. the same goes for everyone else on this thread....please!!

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and to all the people who post sumthing that says "this sucks, I suck" you obviously know its gonna suck and people are gonna tell you so dont post until ur sure something is worth posting.. these are all the things that are ruining this site. and toys please stay in the toy thread!!!! for christs sake wen i go to a different thread i wanna see ill shit not the same shit i see in this thread... thankyou im done bitching now

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To be more specific for you, Theif:


1. Before you think of 3D, get good at 2D. Letter structure plays a hell of a lot more into

goodlooking 3D.


2. When you're good enough for 3D, draw a center (or vanishing) point for your 3D, that

all of the 3D tapers into. This way, you avoid having 3D coming out of nowhere, like you do

on the left side of your T, and, really, all of your letters.

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oh yeah and this thread went to shit all it is is assholes who will probably never meet eachother talkin shit to eachother ill admit that i talked a lill shit to iruleeverything right here but he says he dont post shit cus he dont have a camera.... well then since you dont have anything to post other than useless fucking arguments that ruin the thread than just DONT FUCKING POST. the same goes for everyone else on this thread....please!!


no, i have a camera, but its at my freinds house. ill post pictures when i get it back.

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what you guys have to remember is being simple, seriously simple no 3d just straight letters... imagine youre drawing with a paint roller make a basic letter shape and add little tiny stylized things like slightly thicker vertical bars, italics etc, just remember to keep it as simple as possible dont worry about overlapping half the letter or making them connect to each other becuase you end up looking off balanced and cluttered

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what you guys have to remember is being simple, seriously simple no 3d just straight letters... imagine youre drawing with a paint roller make a basic letter shape and add little tiny stylized things like slightly thicker vertical bars, italics etc, just remember to keep it as simple as possible dont worry about overlapping half the letter or making them connect to each other becuase you end up looking off balanced and cluttered


So basically what your saying is practice regular "non fancy" writing, so that the spacing isnt all fucked up?

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