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Yea he is good but he is still toy no offense, I love that stuff but its still not worthy of being with the big boys. Um... On the top one I'd say good fades on everything but the red. On the second one I'd say I love the character and all the letters but the R. The handstyles are dope. And I love the last character.

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knim your 3d is off, missin a few spots(1st pic). and work on ur throws a lot more. especially the K and th I


chili go back and work on your shit more. take the advice from all the other posts on this thread.


hexa i'd work on ur E's a bit more but its all you, your style. and also if your gonna make H,E,X close, better make the A close too. its too far apart. and make a lil bigger


Ader nice simple letters but balance it out. make ur letters all the same size and that shit will look better. maybe try a upper case D too.


Filoe you dont look toy to me

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Funky fresh, yea but in the toy thread there are basic, on the brim, non-toys, like him, you, filoe, amsone and the like. his characters are better than his letters, must see these things painted. i post all my painted stuff here too, any chance for some others to too?

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a quik strate letter from earlier, im trying to do some simple straight letter styles at the moment, plan to do som huge 6 footers in oxford next week, similar style.:)


what happened to the fill on the E???? it changes colors dramatically at the bottom...or maybe its just camera angel


it would look nice if the fill was same color :o

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@I Rule Everything


fix your 3D, try some shadows where they all go in the same direction instead of 1 focal point(theres nothing wrong with the way ur doing it, just try some new styles, i think you might like the looks on it)


and fix your D and V they just look................bad

i like the E on your 4th and last ones

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@I Rule Everything


fix your 3D, try some shadows where they all go in the same direction instead of 1 focal point(theres nothing wrong with the way ur doing it, just try some new styles, i think you might like the looks on it)


and fix your D and V they just look................bad

i like the E on your 4th and last ones



i actually thought the d and v were the best letters in my last one... i hate all the "o"s i did. ill try something different with them though. i dont know if i even should continue using these letters though, i cant come up with anything for throws. i mean, i kind of have a d, but it looks really bad. i dont know...

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started a new sketch the other day, any advice on how to finish it? peace. critz would be appriciated too.

quite sick, but im not keen on the arrows on the N, would look better with out them. the O is alright, but looks a bit wierd. O's are hard to do tho.

7/10 for the sketch, in this thread anyway.:D

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no no...


man... how old are you?


not that it matters with art but i was just wondering.


dont you look at other peoples stuff on here before you draw?

if not u should.. and see how some letter structures work!

that makes things eaiser.. and when its easeir its funner and when ur having fun u progress!

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