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heres a sketch i was werking on..i kinda like itl....anyways feedback wud be appreciated.


yea freak i like that alot. but withe the F, make sure you connect the lower and upper bars of it. with them behind the original "stem" of the letter it looks a bit wack. but the whoe thing when perfected will look good. x:D

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ISEN, if thats wot the first letter is, thats solid. the arrows look awkward and dont help, get rid of them.. also there seems to be like 2 different 3ds.. that confuses me...


for a battle.. kinda fuked most of it. ''gate''



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MORN HARD: you must have no clue what you're talkin about. if you add thinner to acrylic/enamel paint it does nothing but seperate and fuck up your marker. get the rusto OIL-BASED paint. i stress the oil based part because acrylic and enamel are water or xylene based which buff easily, AND can't use typical paint thinner. i would suggest mineral spirits if you can get it. same thing as paint thinner, but natural.


DOXER: i disagree with Berkeley, but no hate. do what you want with the halo. the halo is straight. the only thing you SHOULD NEVER add to a hand is a crown unless you busted a burner or you really are a king [which, judging by the thread you posted in, you are not]. everyone uses a halo at some point. but i can guarentee that if you bust a crown over your hand, that someone else is gonna line it. are you from europe? that sketch has a european style to it, and the fill is dope man. i would say to work on the 'K', and in the handstyle to get a new 'E'. the one like that is just overused and rarely flows well. keep it up man.


<melburn_city>: drop the arrows and fix the 'S' man. the 'E' and the 'N' are dope though.

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your a fukin bare toy sane gets put up by ja1 if uve even heard of him


wait a second, PINE. is that a real question? you're obviously missing out on the writers bible known as 'the art of getting over'. go get that shit quick. it should be available at borders or barnes'n'nobles or whatever. SANE is a NYC king. the man died painting the brooklyn bridge. first , and last (to my knowledge), man to ever have the guts to hit the outside of the bridge. if you ever have a question whether or not someone writes something, go to google image, and type '[insert name] graffiti'. then check at149st.com and check the list of writers.



the most important advice i can give: 1) know your history and 2) know your kings, including local and all time legends.

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that isen sketch: i quite like it. it works well together. the S is really nice. the E looks a bit awkward.. just sketch that a bit till the E loooks right. mabe make the left hand part of the E come further right? also the N is a bit week. i looks sorta like a H... just keep sketchin.. alter that tyle a bit and itll be nice.. also work on a more simple style tho. the painted isen aint bad man.. its all practise cos uv got a solid basic idea of what u shud b doin. that piece to the left of urs is nice tho! relally like that

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that isen sketch: i quite like it. it works well together. the S is really nice. the E looks a bit awkward.. just sketch that a bit till the E loooks right. mabe make the left hand part of the E come further right? also the N is a bit week. i looks sorta like a H... just keep sketchin.. alter that tyle a bit and itll be nice.. also work on a more simple style tho. the painted isen aint bad man.. its all practise cos uv got a solid basic idea of what u shud b doin. that piece to the left of urs is nice tho! relally like that



yer thanx..but "font" my mate did

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