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ive never used watery paint dude

whatever man

if you want to order your nice paint with the name brand label on it

go ahead


well we don't get as much variety as the US,what we get for $3 is much worse than what you get for $3 and even then the tins you can rack are only good to an extent. I don't order my paint, the most expensive shit i use is probably Ironlaks and on the odd occasion maybe belton.

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Yep, decent paint ranges from $7 upwards going to about $15ish depending on where you get it

Dulux and Exports are caged so you can't really rack them unless someone leaves you with the cage open or you can fit your arm through, exports are $3 and duluxs are $7ish. Anchor is one that goes under the radar and can be easily racked from certain stores.


Then the easy to rack paint is just stuff like killrust, powerplus etc. these are male tins also.

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