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I'd estimate that the router is maybe 20-30 feet from my G5.


Through 1 wall 2 doors.


Maybe I'm asking too much of it, but I thought it would work. I mean, I'm on 12oz right now, but if I try to connect to a game there is a 90 percent chance I will get the message I posted above that I'm not connected to the internet.


I also found that most of the drops happen when I'm playing. Im not sure if that's beacuse the game somehow makes the router fuck up (ports somehow?) or if I just notice it more because everything stops when I lose connection. I might just not notice it as much on sites like this because it's not a constant connection.


Eh, I lied. It just DC again, 15 secs later its back. I'm also getting really wierd site loads sometimes.


This is 12oz below




Somtimes it comes up with red letters and white letters and just looks totaly fucked. Dunno, I think these are multiple problems.


Thanks in advance.

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Originally posted by I.C.Shadow@Feb 23 2006, 08:37 PM

I jsut spent like 300 dollars on routers


+ I have 3 computers that need the internets.


I dont want to have like 75 feet of cable running around the house.


But I agree it looks like that is my best option at the moment.



get a better antenna



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Guest Sparoism

Mainter is browsing with TWO names? In the same thread?


You're right, Casek....he IS a computer.


Oh, for anyone who is interested in running a really user-friendly version of Linux, I highly recommend Mepis. I've been using version 3.4.3 for a week, and it's one of the easiest distros I've used so far. I installed it on my hard drive in less than 15 minutes, and it was good to go. I customized the appearance of KDE pretty heavily, so now it looks like a hybrid of BeOS and RisC...very nice.


It's simple enough for anyone to use, and has almost everything you could want for everyday use. It uses the KDE system, which is similar enough to Windows for my girlfriend to not really know the difference. Also, it has Kpackage, which is a upgrade interface based on Debian's apt-get system and makes instaling new programs relatively easy if you understand the way Debian Linux uses dependencies to make programs install and run correctly.


I'm also using Damn Small 2.2 which is a Knoppix/Debian based distro and also really user friendly, and a really cool beta distro called Wolvix ME 1.0.4b2 which is based on SLAX/Slackware. Both of these use Fluxbox for window management, which I prefer over KDE for audio work...I just added an old 2 GB HD to my system which will be home to one of the above soon once I configure GRUB to dual boot. As of now, I like Wolvix, but sice it's a beta it doesn't have an installer yet, and can only be run as a live CD...but it has a lot of multimedia editing features that I like, so hopefully they'll add an installer to the official release.


OK, now we can talk about rats in the case again.

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Guest Sparoism

IC, I use Comcast too, and recently found out that they'll kick you off temporarily for using too much bandwidth. This would explain why it cuts out while you're gaming, obviously. I got a lecture from a customer service rep about this....


Think about cable broadband as being similar to a party line. That means it has an allocated amount of bandwidth that everyone shares, as opposed to traditional DSL which is one line that either runs directly into the box via a cat5 connection or into a router that distributes the connection over a LAN. Sure, Comcast DOES have higher speeds and tons of bandwidth, but the fine print is that the reason for the amount they put over the cable is due to the fact that you have to contend with numerous users sharing bandwidth. Had I known that, I probably would have passed.


As far as the mySQL screen with regards to 12 oz.- it happens to me every now and then, so I think it may be similar to flood control on the 12 oz. server.


There's all this new tech being developed for the Web that's supposed to make a lot of these problems a thing of the past. There's the Grid, LambdaRail, IPv6...look into it. I doubt any of it will be mainstream in the near future, but it's something to look forward to.


Good luck with that cable bill...man, I thought I was in deep with those guys. Thanks, I feel better now.

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Originally posted by Sparoism@Feb 23 2006, 09:07 PM

IC, I use Comcast too, and recently found out that they'll kick you off temporarily for using too much bandwidth. This would explain why it cuts out while you're gaming, obviously. I got a lecture from a customer service rep about this....


Think about cable broadband as being similar to a party line. That means it has an allocated amount of bandwidth that everyone shares, as opposed to traditional DSL which is one line that either runs directly into the box via a cat5 connection or into a router that distributes the connection over a LAN. Sure, Comcast DOES have higher speeds and tons of bandwidth, but the fine print is that the reason for the amount they put over the cable is due to the fact that you have to contend with numerous users sharing bandwidth. Had I known that, I probably would have passed.


As far as the mySQL screen with regards to 12 oz.- it happens to me every now and then, so I think it may be similar to flood control on the 12 oz. server.


There's all this new tech being developed for the Web that's supposed to make a lot of these problems a thing of the past. There's the Grid, LambdaRail, IPv6...look into it. I doubt any of it will be mainstream in the near future, but it's something to look forward to.


Good luck with that cable bill...man, I thought I was in deep with those guys. Thanks, I feel better now.



damn i was gonna switch to comcast because they just became avaible in my area good thing i didnt cause i get 3.4 mbs for like 75 bucks from my local cable company

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Yea man, these fools call EVERY DAY. Whats fucked up is that their caller ID comes up as only "85". So you think that's what's up? There will be a total of 4 computers on the network, and my room mate and I are constantly downloading whatever on each of our pc's 24/7.


I might try DSL next time, even though its not as fast.


I don't really feel like giving anymore cash to Comcast, it's gotten so out of hand that I swear to god they are just adding charges to it and making it so confusing that we can't really figure out what the fuck the bills are.


Comcast and Sovereign have an etch date soon.




Thanks for the help man, is there anyway that I can figure out positively that that's what's happening?

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Guest Sparoism

Shit, do it. If they're gonna live in your computer and eat your food, put 'em to work, I say.


Did you try any of the remedies we mentioned yet? You could just put a frog in there and let him feast....hopefully, he won't short anything out.


Also, I hear that Casek has a badger for sale, cheap....

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Originally posted by I.C.Shadow@Feb 23 2006, 09:13 PM

Yea man, these fools call EVERY DAY. Whats fucked up is that their caller ID comes up as only "85". So you think that's what's up? There will be a total of 4 computers on the network, and my room mate and I are constantly downloading whatever on each of our pc's 24/7.


I might try DSL next time, even though its not as fast.


I don't really feel like giving anymore cash to Comcast, it's gotten so out of hand that I swear to god they are just adding charges to it and making it so confusing that we can't really figure out what the fuck the bills are.


Comcast and Sovereign have an etch date soon.




Thanks for the help man, is there anyway that I can figure out positively that that's what's happening?


get a network bandwidth monitor set it to a limit of 1.8mbs if it goes off that is your problem

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not to hijack the thread, but I got 400 dollars in overdraft fees on 80 dollars of purchaces. 90 in one day on 12 dollars worth of items.


Sure, it's my own fault for thinking I had money when I didn't, I should have been on top of things. But a %500 percent fee + an extra 5 dollars for every day I didn't pay it off is robery.


Legal, cocksucking robery.

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Guest Sparoism

Short of calling Comcast and asking them to tell you how much bandwidth you use, I can't think of anything. Maybe there's an app out there that keeps track of it, but honestly, for the same reasons you stated, I say fuck them and their high-pressure tactics. I've considered setting up a mirror or a remote storage site just to see how much BW I can pull out of the system before they send someone to physically pull all the cables out of my house...


Since I live near UC Berkeley, I've been meaning to see if there's a way to get service from them....I'd have to sign up for a class or two, but it would be worth it. I'll look into that.

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Originally posted by I.C.Shadow@Feb 23 2006, 10:28 PM

Haha, oh.


It's like the time I went to Circuit City and I asked to buy a firewall expecting it to be some piece of metal or some shit.


I need to instal it on all the pcs on the network though eh?



most wireless routers have a NAT firewall.


the comp with the router on it doesn't need

a firewall in that case. the rest do.

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I'm sorry, I meant installing the bandwidth monitor.


Not the firewall.


I have a mac and it says the firewall is off, but some programs still say that Im using a firewall.


To use the bandwidth monitor I have to install it on all the pcs?


I can instal it on ours, but the neighbors who's wifi im using kind of creep me out and I'd rather not talk to them.

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Originally posted by Spuds Mckenzie@Feb 23 2006, 10:10 PM

Soooooooooo, about overclocking roaches?



what you need:


a midget

a taco shell

some vaseline (intensive care)

a wire

some toothpicks

and a small pair of pliers



ok, hand all that stuff to the midget and ask it to shove them,

one at a time up your ass. then, you call 911 and ask the person

that answers the phone if they can come to your house and drop of a "straight key" or "an 8 ball"


that should do it.

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Originally posted by Sparoism@Feb 23 2006, 09:40 PM

Short of calling Comcast and asking them to tell you how much bandwidth you use, I can't think of anything. Maybe there's an app out there that keeps track of it, but honestly, for the same reasons you stated, I say fuck them and their high-pressure tactics. I've considered setting up a mirror or a remote storage site just to see how much BW I can pull out of the system before they send someone to physically pull all the cables out of my house...


Since I live near UC Berkeley, I've been meaning to see if there's a way to get service from them....I'd have to sign up for a class or two, but it would be worth it. I'll look into that.


like i said in above post you can download a network bandwidth monitor its free you can make a log with time and all when i boots you off you can look at the log and see how much bandwidth was in use also this can help you and tell you how much you should be getting most likley


• Up to 5.0 Mbps down

• Up to 512 Kbps up

if you are not getting these rates call them and say you got proof you have been getting ripped off and want money takin off you bill

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