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Guest Sparoism

Do you want to know how it works, or how to download them?


It's pretty simple. You download the .torrent file, which links you to people with that file called seeders. Once you have a portion of the file, you start to upload it to other peers, who are uploading parts of the same file into the torrent that you or other peers need.


The torrent program, called a client, does all the work for the most part. From what I've heard, it's expected that you have to leave the file available to upload for at least the amount of time it took to download it. Sometimes I do this, other times if it's something I need to use right away that requires me to go offline such as a live CD, then I can't seed it right away.


I use Azereus, which is a Linux client. I've used BitLord on XP, which seemed to work okay. Casek swears by BitComet. There's a bunch of clients out there- some of them have lots of popups and ads, however. BitLord doesn't do this, so I'd recommend their client for XP users.

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Originally posted by DETO@Feb 23 2006, 12:48 PM

how can i compress an iTunes playlist and then upload it to yousendit.com??


also, i have 2 user accounts on this computer. how can i get my entire iTunes to work on both accounts. i can only access my complete iTunes library when on one account. thanks.

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Limewire is basically just a program that allows people to share files on their computer. It's a direct connection between you and the other person. Bit Torrent connects you to a number of people who all have the file (or at least parts of it) and grabs bits and pieces from all of the people, placing them together as it goes. It also automatically uploads pieces to other people if they need it. It's just a different method of sharing files.

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Guest Sparoism

If you mean "are cracked programs safe if I get them from a torrent?"...the answer is that you should scan any executables without fail with Norton or AVG. I don't scan music files, but I'm sure some folks do.


I'd say that the difference between Limewire and the torrent community is pretty simple and comes down to communication. If someone were to upload a virus or Trojan as a .torrent file, a lot of people would feel obligated to put the word out so it doesn't spread, seeing as how the torrent is essentially a huge ad hoc network and it's in everyone's best interest to be on top of what's happening.


Limewire is largely anonymous and since everyone knows about it, there's a higher percentage of assholes who won't think twice about fucking over strangers with malware. I've only grabbed one thing from there, and it was mostly because I was sick of searching for it and there were tons of copies of it available on Limewire. Fortunately, it was clean, but I've heard some horror stories.


I've done really well with Soulseek as a p2p client, BTW.

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Yeah, I'd feel much safer downloading a file through Bit Torrent than downloading something from any other file sharing method. I think a lot of torrent hosting sites scan the file before even posting it for people to download. Another thing for you to know about Bit Torrent is that your download speed is proportional to the amount you upload, so most downloads will start off slow and gain speed over time.

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Originally posted by Herbivore@Feb 23 2006, 03:51 PM

Yeah, I'd feel much safer downloading a file through Bit Torrent than downloading something from any other file sharing method. I think a lot of torrent hosting sites scan the file before even posting it for people to download. Another thing for you to know about Bit Torrent is that your download speed is proportional to the amount you upload, so most downloads will start off slow and gain speed over time.



the only way it goes faster is if there is more seeders then leechers if you do bittorrents dont be a leecher some sites will ban you if you do not seed a certian amount of the time you seed by leaving the bit torrent client running when the file you is done downloading

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Radstein: Hello Mr. Roach, is there a name you would like me to call you?


Roach: No, you would not be able to pronounce my name. Mr. Roach will have to do.


Radstein: Okay then, Mr. Roach, would would you like to say?


Roach: First, I would like to congratulate humans for making contact with us, we never thought that you would be able to manage that. We thought that you were so self-obsessed that you would never notice that there were other intelligent creatures on earth.


Radstein: You seem to have a low opinion of humanity. Why is that so?


Roach: We don't have an entirely negative view of you, humans have many admirable qualities, but your violent nature is your fatal flaw. Roaches have been on this earth almost since the beginning. We have seen thousands of species come and go from the dinosaur to the dodo bird, and very few have reached a level of intelligence on par with our own. You, in fact, are the only other species with whom we have established communication. It is such a shame that you are on the verge of your own destruction, and will take out so many other forms of life with you.


Radstein: Just what are you talking about, Mr. Roach?


Roach: Your nuclear weapons, your genetically engineered diseases, your pollution. All of the creatures on this planet, save some of the ones you call "bugs," can be destroyed by them. I am convinced that we will soon be building a new world for ourselves upon the ashes of the old one you will destroy.


Radstein: Do you look forward to the day when you will rule the world?


Roach: Rule the world? There you go again with your ambitious nature. Everything is a fight to you! We just want to live and let live. Building a new world will be terribly hard work, and so many of the things we love will be gone. Honestly, in spite of the way so many of you try to squash us, poison us, catch us in traps, and kill us, we really enjoy some of the things you have brought into the world.


Radstein: Such as?


Roach: Buildings. Your homes, businesses, and other structures provide us with great places to live and eat. They give us better shelter than we can make for ourselves. Most of all, some of your waste products make the most delicious food we can obtain. For example, that greasy stuff that builds up under your stoves and refrigerators. Yum! And paper grocery bags, they are high in protein and fiber, and very tasty. Nothing that good for us occurs in nature. Your landfills are like buffet restaurants to roaches. Once you are gone, the good stuff we find there will run out. Honestly, we will miss humanity.


Radstein: What makes you so sure we are doomed?


Roach: Haven't I made that clear? Your violent nature, your terrible weapons, your short sightedness. You are at war again right now! You just never seem to learn about the harm you do to yourselves, and other species. You are fighting wars constantly. Your tinkering with genes has created many new viruses that are wiping you out, like the mystery illness you call SARS. Your chemicals are poisoning the air you breathe, and the water you drink. Air pollution is causing the planet to warm up. You are too fragile to endure the changes this will bring to your climate. Some of you have pointed these things out to your leaders, but they do not listen. They laugh and ridicule you; say that your theories are unproven, and keep right on wrecking things. Those of you who "get it" are a tiny minority. The vast majority of you cannot get past your greed, your ambition, and your desire to conquer and kill. You are divided into hostile groups of "us" and "them" bent on each others destruction. You call them nations, religions, tribes, and so many other names, but they are the same.


If you could abandon all that, and learn to live co-operatively with yourselves, and other living things, you could survive, but you won't. We have been watching you, and sharing your dwellings since the early hominids first walked upright. You have not tempered the dark side of your nature. It is simply beyond your capacity to do so. It will make us sad to see you go, and even sadder to see all the other creatures you will take with you die out. You will not save yourselves, because as a species, you are just too stupid!


I regret to admit that this made me so angry, that I got up, knocked Mr. Roach off of the camera platform, and attempted to step on him. Dr. Maines tackled me to prevent this, and the roach scurried into a crack in the wall. Dr. Maines asked me, "So, do you think that by killing Mr. Roach, you can prove him wrong? I am terrified that you have just proven him right." He then asked me to leave, and I did. I have apologized to him since then, and asked him to pass my apology on to Mr. Roach.

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• Remove unnecessary food and water sources;


• Store garbage containers in dry areas away from harborage sites – not under the kitchen sink;


• Seal all cracks and crevices – no matter how small – with screen or caulk. Cockroaches love to stay in tight cracks and crevices where they feel more comfortable;


• Vacuum regularly and clean up spills;


• Remove shelter sites such as cardboard boxes, paper grocery bags and piles of newspapers or magazines; and


• Remember, once cockroaches move into your home, they can be very difficult to get out.


take your computer outside and open it up and clean the damn thing you should do this once a month unless needed more

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Guest Sparoism

Mainter, how fast was your first modem? I think mine was something like 14.4....crazy.


When I was in grade school, the computer lab still had teletypes linked to a mainframe.




I actually used a Apple II with a acoustic modem...300 baud was good enough to read BBS. In 1985.


Sometimes, I get bored, and use a Linux text browser called Lynx. Why not?


For some reason, I'm remembering the guy who brought the ancient Linux laptop in. Has that guy come back?

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Originally posted by Mainter+Feb 23 2006, 03:56 PM--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Mainter - Feb 23 2006, 03:56 PM)</div><div class='quotemain'><!--QuoteBegin-Herbivore@Feb 23 2006, 03:51 PM

Yeah, I'd feel much safer downloading a file through Bit Torrent than downloading something from any other file sharing method.  I think a lot of torrent hosting sites scan the file before even posting it for people to download.  Another thing for you to know about Bit Torrent is that your download speed is proportional to the amount you upload, so most downloads will start off slow and gain speed over time.



the only way it goes faster is if there is more seeders then leechers if you do bittorrents dont be a leecher some sites will ban you if you do not seed a certian amount of the time you seed by leaving the bit torrent client running when the file you is done downloading


See, I've heard that your download speed is affected by your overall uploading amount, but I couldn't figure out how the program would "know" how much you've been seeding. For instance, if you finish downloading one file, seed it for a while, and start downloading a different file, how will the client know that you had been seeding the first file? Does it keep a log somewhere recording your total uploading/downloading?


* Haha, DETO

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Originally posted by Spuds Mckenzie@Feb 23 2006, 04:30 PM

I want to overclock the roaches.



you cannot overclock roaches you can overclock your computer only if you hardware can handle it (yours is prolly store bought) so it has a regulator on it your computer will shutoff if the temp of reaches 142F degrees


not enough to kill the roaches prolly a good temp for eggs so you will cause more to be born so goodluck clean yer computer

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