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Hobos, Tramps and Homeless Bums


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During the last week a survey crew working for AT&T came through the jungle setting markers for another fiber optic cable trenching job. This kind of freaked out Rick and Carla, and they pulled stakes annd took off hitching west.

They left in a big hurry and kind of left a mess in the jungle, so Stretch and I picked it all up and threw it away in garbage sacks.

(Sigh.) Annoying. When it's time to go, it seems like nobody gives a shit, It's always all about "me."

Stretch was a little concerned too, that the survey crew might have ratted everybody out to the railroad, so he wanted to head over to Beaumont. He's over there in a little jungle not too far from the BNSF tracks.


I'm wondering how long the jungle will stay cleaned up, A week maybe?

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Guest The Texas Madman
Annoying. When it's time to go, it seems like nobody gives a shit, It's always all about "me."


Kinda' reminds me of Britt, for the past several years I've had to leave on Sunday Morning to get Les back to work on Monday in Cleveland, but in years past I stayed until Tuesday to get the Convention Grounds cleaned and packed away. I remember 2 years in a row during the 1990's it was down to me and Red Bird Express on Monday walking the grounds with trash bags picking up every cigarette butt, etc.:o :eek: ;) :o :D

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Guest The Texas Madman
Have any of the experienced travelers here tried hopping in the Canadian winter? If so, what kinda gear where you sportin'?


The closest I came to riding Canada in the winter was catching the wrong BN train out of Shelby and ending up in Sweet Grass!

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Finally got ahold of the one movie that has eluded me - BOXCAR BERTHA - about 51 minutes long this movie loosely details the life of Bertha L. Thompson from her life with her Crop Duster Father thru her meeting up with Big Bill Haywood, Hoboing, Life in a Chicago Whore House, to the end of the movie where she runs after the train that Railroad Thugs have crucified Bill on. Spiking his hands to the wall of a Boxcar.


Supposedly it is the only movie that David Carradine [who played Bill] starred in with his father John Carradine!


pretty decent movie...

kinda cheesy but still pretty good..

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Guest The Texas Madman
pretty decent movie...

kinda cheesy but still pretty good..


Sorry - All the movies from the 1970's to 1980's are CHEESY Compared to the quality if Cinematography of today, Still....................REALLY GOOD LOOKING RAILROAD SCENES!

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Guest The Texas Madman
pretty decent movie...

kinda cheesy but still pretty good..


Sorry - All the movies from the 1970's to 1980's are CHEESY Compared to the quality if Cinematography of today, Still....................REALLY GOOD LOOKING RAILROAD SCENES!

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Guest The Texas Madman

I'm looking to find folks that would help me with a modern day hobo documentary, this would include travel [by freight train] interviews with older Hobo-Tramps as well as younger Hobo-Tramps, and filming rail travel. I would be using a DVR with a removable hard drive, recording in basic AVI format, the hard drive would be able to hold 300 GB of video. Travel would be on all available Railroads. This project would be a labor of 3 years, and thie final project's conclusion would be a DVD available on a per-order basis!


Anyone Interested?

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Guest The Texas Madman

I was doing a web search for the fool elijah666 [a.k.a. - boxcarro_a1] to find out something about him and why he was e-mailing me the diatribves that made ABSOLUTELY NO SENSE, and were filled with Racially Hate Related Dialogue. That search eventually brought me here!

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Guest The Texas Madman

I am looking to do a Modern Hobo-Tramp Documentary, RIDING THE RAILS-TEENAGERS ON THE ROAD DURING THE DEPRESSION was a good start but it left one with the feeling that Hoboing ended when those individuals retired from the rails. Nothing could be FURTHER from THE TRUTH! Since I first hit the rails in 1972 at age 13 [after my mother died, and I had no other relatives] to today I have know that the culture DID NOT END

AFTER THE DEPRESSION WAS OVER! Also when he was alive Steamtrain Maury Graham stated that a hobo of his era was collecting Biographies of hobos to have for a public record but died during the recording of these

documents. Now these Biographies are lost to the 4 winds. So I want to do this kind of activity before the Old-timers that I first started my Hobo Life with are gone for good, as well as cover hoboing to the present day with the young hobos that have inherited this rich history and culture.


My aim is to interview as many as possible onto a DVR with a 300 GB Hard Drive, next take a few rides with selected people to get the on-the-road coverage and point of view. Also audio record peoples points of view, and finally take a long distance ride to do some more railriding footage, then go into the studio at a hosted college to put all this

together into 1 if not 2 DVD's to be made available on a per order basis.


I will still need help in logistics, travel, video coverage, and interviews, so I am looking for someone, or several someone's that would like to get involved on this project. There is no cash payment involved. But the memories are worth more than all the Gold in Ft. Knox!


If you want an idea of the style look I am going for with this documentary project, as well as the kind of music that MAY be used go to YouTube and type in - hobomusicvideos - these are music videos that I have made or the public consumption. And this is what I hope to have the final Product looking like!:)

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Guest The Texas Madman

Kabar I've made another report to the manager of this group to Have these last 3 diatribes removed, and it seems that the person who removed them the last time is someone I know from Pennsburg!

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Guest The Texas Madman

Guess we may have to keep this up until this fool gets the message and goes back under the rock he came out from.

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Guest The Texas Madman
I deleted those three off topic posts. Continue to use the Warn function if he continues, and I'll ban him without another warning. Thanks.


WILL DO! Once Again - THANK YOU!

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There seems to be a huge gap between older and younger rail riders. The whole punkrock-trainriding thing changed the dynamic. Most trainriders these days don't have much in common with hobos of the past and don't care. There's a lot of drug and alcohol abuse among trainriders.

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Guest The Texas Madman
There seems to be a huge gap between older and younger rail riders. The whole punkrock-trainriding thing changed the dynamic. Most trainriders these days don't have much in common with hobos of the past and don't care. There's a lot of drug and alcohol abuse among trainriders.


This is the same train of thought that we who rode between the 1960's to 2007 have had to fight against, and it's this ideaology that permeates too many tabloid news shows giving the wrong impression to the general public. And it's that general public that we all need to sway to our aid in fighting against these news and police fuckers that want to kill us all off!:D :D :D :D

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this all seems so romantic almost


I don't even know if riding freights is done in the UK, we are probably too small lol but the idea of going to the US and catching out on a freight (after much research and reading) and rolling through the huge states and landscapes is one of the most appealing aspects of visiting in my eyes


maybe because im drunk haha

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Guest The Texas Madman
this all seems so romantic almost


I don't even know if riding freights is done in the UK, we are probably too small


I have 2 friends in England, 1 named "Limey", and the other named "Zipper", and both have related to me at 1 of my e-mail addresses, as well as the Trainhoppers List at http://www.trainhoppers.nw, that freight hopping there in England as well as Scotland is alive and well. But in those countries you have to be more stealthy than you do here in the U.S., also trainhoppers in England are called "Tramps" instead of "Hobos", they also stylize their "Road Clothes" in the "Charlie Chaplin", or in All Black British Marines style clothing!


:cool: :cool:

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thank you very much for the info, tramps in the UK have a remarkably bad image and sadly i think it is something that the vast majority adhere to. I am really yet to have seen a tramp/hobo in th UK that wasn't the pure junkie/alcholic sad grip of life, even after talking to many of them. Mayeb they were just inner city homeless rather than travelling hobo types, i imagine it is just my ignorance to peoples backgrounds and their lives but the view from this thread is a much different life


I will defintely check out those sites, altough sadly what with family and job demands (well not sadly as my family are amazing) i dont know if it is anything more than a glimpse at carefree days!!

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Guest The Texas Madman
thank you very much for the info, tramps in the UK have a remarkably bad image and sadly i think it is something that the vast majority adhere to. I am really yet to have seen a tramp/hobo in th UK that wasn't the pure junkie/alcholic sad grip of life, even after talking to many of them.


I'm sure now that you have only followed the direction of many in feeling that Hobos and Homeless are the same thing, SADLY This ideology is spreading here in the States too! However reading on other web sites concerning hobos you'll find out better info on whom to look for and where to look. Mostly check out places OTHER THAN in London, or Liverpool, "Limey" is telling me that "Tramps" are are more prevalent on the outskirts of Major cities in England, or further into the countryside!


I will defintely check out those sites, altough sadly what with family and job demands (well not sadly as my family are amazing) i dont know if it is anything more than a glimpse at carefree days!!


I've heard this from what we call Civilians [General American Public], however if interest is there, then investigation and adventure is not far behind!

:cool: :cool: :cool:

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This is the same train of thought that we who rode between the 1960's to 2007 have had to fight against, and it's this ideaology that permeates too many tabloid news shows giving the wrong impression to the general public. And it's that general public that we all need to sway to our aid in fighting against these news and police fuckers that want to kill us all off!:D :D :D :D


I'm not exactly following you. What train of thought and ideaology are you refering to?

My statements are based on my opinions of hundreds of 16-35 year old trainriders I've met.

I know plenty of good ones, but most are douchey.

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