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I don't know the deatails of what he was doing on the tracks or what but here in Mid Illinois, a guy got charged with criminal trespassing to Railiroad Property and got $150 fine, court costs and a $25 crimestoppers fee. Personally, a little farther north, I got charged with tresspassing to railroad property, not doing anything but taking the shortest distance between 2 points and got a night in jail, a $300 fine plus costs which brought my total to $715 plus 6 months court supervision. That means nothing except that they want their money within 6 months or they will start the shit all over again i.e. jail time. What I am saying here is listen to Kabar and don't get seen. It is expensive.

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Fire away. I will try to answer all questions to the best of my ability.


I did stay in missions a few times, but I don't like staying there. The worst things about missions:


1.) Too many streamliners--they can't make it on their own, so they resort to trying to rip off somebody else.


2.) I only caught lice twice in my life, once on the U.S.S. Raliegh when some idiot brought lice back on board the ship from liberty and we all got infested; and once from the blankets I was issued in a mission.


3.) Missions have a shitload of rules. You can't do this, you can't do that. You can't smoke inside the building. You can't drink a beer. Who needs that? No thanks.


4.) When you need missions the most they are crammed full and have no more room, like if the temperature suddenly falls and there is an ice storm or a blizzard.


5.) I don't like sky pilots in general, regardless of what line they're selling. I do my communing with God out in the wide open spaces. I don't need some tight-ass with a Bible trying to tell be how I should live. My religious faith is my own. I can't see any reason to cram it down someone else's throat. If somebody asks me what I believe, and I feel like telling them, then we have a conversation about God, faith, moral conviction and so on. Otherwise, it's a waste of time and energy.

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I started reading this thread a couple of years ago and took a lot of advice to heart. I read north bank fred's site and he seems to be downing Britt as a set up. Any insight on this? Is Amory still cool? I ask mostly because I want a CCG the honest way.

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Boxcarro, that is some bizarre shit right there, fella. Texas Mad Man has lived for years with Collinwood Kid , who is Jewish. Your beefs with people probably have more to do with your own personality and your own interactions with other people than with them being any sort of Yankee Nazis, etc. This is actually pretty funny, Tex is one of the most militant pro-liberals and anti-conservatives I've ever met. We are friends, sort of, but we do not agree on hardly anything when it comes to politics. I did drive 250 miles to go pick him up at the Highway 80 Rescue Mission up in Longview one time, and he and Stretch stayed at the Eureka Hilton about a month one winter.


I admire your ability to survive in the world of trainhopping, but I'm thinking that you need to let go of blaming other people for your problems and accept responsibility for yourself. If you can't get a Driver's License, that is nobody's fault but your own. Do whatever you have to do to rectify that problem, get another license and get on with life. Or not. It's up to you.


The truth is that 99% of the rest of the world finds it to be way too much work to hassle you and find ways to frustrate you. They just don't care that much one way or the other, they are busy dealing with their own lives. They are not responsible for you, and are not required to help you get what you want. Your life is all up to you. You aren't entitled to a thing. You know (or at least you ought to know, by now, at your age) that one either earns whatever one needs to live in this world, or learns to do without it.


"Leave no trace. Do no damage. Make no disturbance."


"Keep a Clean Camp."


"Take care of your own business, and let the rest of the world take care of its own."


These simple rules will allow you to to avoid 99.99% of conflict and problems in life. Frankly, I obey them because it is too much hassle to do otherwise.

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Stretch told me that while he was down in Amory, Mississippi, he had heard that King Iwegan Rick had been ripped off by a streamliner in Chicago, supposedly somebody travelling with Froot Loops. Iwegan lost all his gear--pack, sleeping bag, everything. Because he was in Chicago, he borrowed some money from his family and headed south to New Orleans, where it's considerably warmer.


THIS IS AN UNCONFIRMED REPORT. If anybody sees Froot Loops, tell him to get with Iwegan immediately to get it straightened out. I'd hate to find out later that Froot Loops had nothing to do with it, but yet his name is associated with this streamliner who ripped off Iwegan.


Anybody who can ID rippee Iwegan's gear, keep your eyes open. It may turn up in a jungle somewhere in the possession of the rippor.


Woe be it unto streamliners who rip off the Boys. They are asking for it big time.

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I think what that guy was referring to was loaded auto racks. Loaded auto racks are very hot, because the cargo (new cars) is so valuable and so easily damaged. People who hit a loaded auto rack pretty much already now that if they get popped, they are most def going to jail. If the cars are damaged in any way, the railroad may have you charged with "criminal mischief," "felony vandalism" or "interfereing with raiload operations."


EMPTY auto racks are not considered to be hot cargo by anybody. I've ridden them several times. If you look at the latch on the doors of an auto racks, you will see a square hole in a round knob. This hole is exactly the same size as a railroad spike (try it.) If you can find an anti-creep bracket (it attaches to the BOTTOM of the rail to keep the rails from moving forward on the ties when a train dumps the brakes.) The anti-creep bracket has a place on it that is exactly the same side as a railroad spike.


You can stick a spike in the hole on the auto-rack doors, and then use the anti-creep bracket as a wrench to turn it. If I remember right, "clockwise" opens the latch on the doors. We always shut the doors when we board, it makes it a lot less of a skyline ride. Be carefull walking around--the auto-rack cars have steel mesh on the sides and at a little bit of a distance somebody could see right through the side and you would be skylined---silhouetted against light from the other side of the car.

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Can anybody explain to me how "Go Daddy.com" works? Apparently it hosts people's web pages, but I'll be damned if I can figure out how to get into the damned thing! I can't figure out how anybody USES it! It seems to be designed to keep people out!

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