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Burners and Style!


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Originally posted by Boogie+Mar 29 2006, 10:50 PM--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Boogie - Mar 29 2006, 10:50 PM)</div><div class='quotemain'>hmm as much as i would love to see a new hex piece i believe that one is from '95...



<!--QuoteBegin-STYLEISKING@Mar 29 2006, 04:26 PM


hex back to burn?



doesnt matter when the peice was made, this is stlye and burners thread

and that is quite the piece

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sorry realz mate you're bringin down the tone of the thread!


if you have any doubts about whether soemthing is a burner don't post it..


you posted one good piece there the rest were crap!


Idk if you looked at all the stuff dude, some people i posted are WORLD FAMOUS and you said they are crap, its just my opinion but i don't think they would like that.

Maybe if you start posting instead of talking i would actually respect what you say to me "mate."

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Damn REALZ...show some discrimination when you decide to post....

Half of the pics you posted are not that tight and while they might be burners and have style...which a large majority of graffiti is, they are not top notch....you obviously decided to go on a posting binge. This thread is short and for good reason. Those who post show taste when they post. This thread should only be top notch graf and legends, and even if it is a legendary graffiti writer doesnt mean you should post whatever they have done....plz dont eff it up more...

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Damn REALZ...show some discrimination when you decide to post....

Half of the pics you posted are not that tight and while they might be burners and have style...which a large majority of graffiti is, they are not top notch....you obviously decided to go on a posting binge. This thread is short and for good reason. Those who post show taste when they post. This thread should only be top notch graf and legends, and even if it is a legendary graffiti writer doesnt mean you should post whatever they have done....plz dont eff it up more...


well, since you said please, i guess i could just post the real good stuff

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for the sake of clarity:


Definition by Skeme: " The Pose Deal was def, but it wasnt a burner, 'cause like the colors wasnt bright....they wasn't outstanding. Like that Daze Skeme and Due...the Daze is like a burner, 'cause like the shit got a def style, it got a def style, it got a def cloud and the colors is bright. So its a burner. It got everything that supposed to be in a burner...the colors is def, and the def cloud and shit. A burner is connections, arrows....."


so like someone already said - if there is any doubt - there is no doubt. this last group of fliks are not burners because thay suck. well the sper is def, its just not a burner !

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