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dr. frink one

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fuck michael, he fucked with little kids and everyone knows it. If he worked for ups he would have been killed in jail and everyone would have cheered on his death. The motherfucker can moonwalk and everyone gives him a freepass, fuck him.

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ok so lets pretend im a toy. "Can some one tell me where revok lives, I want to see what a baller he is and what kind of car he drives cause im a wierd fucking little toy. Help me out some one." On this web page some one will actually give me that info, and I would call that kid/adult a rat/snitch/toy/informant whatever you wanto call it.



From this it sounds like he lives in your dreams...

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no one can rock a P like pusher

except maybe PYSA!

more PYSANO!


whats up with some bates flicks btw?


True. And maybe POSE. BATES isn't MSK. He has his own thread, though!


And about the other two topics, who cares? Michael Jackson is dead, whether you like or not. There. Rest In Peace, or Rot In Hell, let God sort it out. And about the snitching; you guys take this tooo serious! Let REVOK handle his shit the way he wants. If you don't like it, then don't help him!!! And for those who do, cool! Simple as that! Now let's get over it and post more pictures!!!!

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i cant believe everyone is jocking a guy who has been molesting kids for decades. i dont care how good you can sing. if you molest kid then its a green light, and were suposed to morn him cause he had mad hits in the 80'?s. what the fuck?. thats sad. if he didnt have the money to pay off all those poor sick kids family's he woulda been locked up years ago and got stabbed for being a childmolester! like kat williams said "FUCK MICHAEL! FUCK HIM FUCK HIM FUCK HIM! WALKING AROUND SMELLING LIKE YOUNG BOYS BOOTY HOLES!"


he quoted kat williams.....

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I think that 100 can reward is bullshit, the person who gets that is a snitch in my mind, its not like these guys have never had a piece hacked before. Giving information in return for a reward is snitching, plain and simple. If thats how you get it done that fine, but knowing that OG's like Revok endorse snitching takes him down a few pegs in my book for sure. i would think that this petty toy bullshit wouldnt trouble them so much. What would you have done in the days before the internet, damn thats a rant and a half, but i guess snitching really gets me going


yes sir

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