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Paris Grime


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france got it down


you know france is well fucked and well skilled at what they do they got smashing chromes n black biggies all over the sides of there motorways and on tracksides its fucking amazing o'clock gets props from me and so do most of the grim team for the damage they cause fucking pure damge pure urban cultural damage nothing better sick thread press on with it .

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  • 2 weeks later...
Originally posted by Rusty Cunts

Those are some nice photos Niso.....did you take them yourself?


no i should of relly have given credit they are by a french photographer called 'mr t.' if you are a intrested in more beautiful photos off graffiti check out the photograff thread.

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<3 Paris


got back from paris last night, :eek: got to say i wasnt expecting to see the amount of graff i saw. makes england look clean and gleaming.

Anyway i took flicks of just about everything i saw, but.. theyre stills from a video camera, so some of the image quality is less than perfect especially any with any distance. so shall i post them or not?

safe, i love paris :crazy: :dazed:


btw, i didnt see 1 oclock tag either:o just 1 chrome on the motorway

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From what ive heard Paris went thru a serious buff that vanished most of the graffiti in the city... i went there about 2 years ago and the place was crushed, so i dont really know when this massive buffed happened, but most of the craziest Oclock shit is from 1999 so, maybe it was all washed away after that... anyway, i saw Chaman, Andre, LAtlas, Above and the JR posters up like crazy... the metro stations and tunnels are sick, chromes all the way inside the tunnels, man i miss Paris... someone wants to buy me an airplane ticket?

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Re: <3 Paris


Originally posted by UriGellar

got back from paris last night, :eek: got to say i wasnt expecting to see the amount of graff i saw. makes england look clean and gleaming.

Anyway i took flicks of just about everything i saw, but.. theyre stills from a video camera, so some of the image quality is less than perfect especially any with any distance. so shall i post them or not?

safe, i love paris :crazy: :dazed:


btw, i didnt see 1 oclock tag either:o just 1 chrome on the motorway


post them mate this thread needs all the flicks it can get befor it dies.

glade to here you had a nice time.

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