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hesh another philly hope up and down shit i just wish my grlfrnd would move to philly we have nothing in Boston but her best friend and high rent. shit and all i want is trains, instruction on wickets, and Philly ghost. oh yeah and Mom's vegan cheesesteaks.


argh i just wish i could move there with her shes too beautiful to be in Boston.

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yeah man i wish you'd get your ass down here to. there is cheap rent to be found, just gotta look in the right places. as of late i realized that girlfriemds are condusive to only one thing.....stress. grrrrr

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Originally posted by HESHIANDET

damn law, you sure tey're puncture flats coming throught the tire? ive had tuffy's for a whie now. not a puncture yet.....


bastrad w/ the new bike..grrrrrrrrr


well, all the other ones were puncture flats, THE LAW is of the opinion that this one may have something to do with the car accident. He hasn't really looked at the situation yet, but thinks the wheel may be out of true or something...


while THE LAW was on his LONG walk home with his bike, the back wheel was kind of going ca chunk, ca chunk, ca chunk....who fucking knows.


on another note, there was an ad for messengering in the paper to day that read:


Bike messenger wanted blah blahblahblah ....no experience preferred...



what's up with that "no experience preferred" shit? that sounds shady as hell.

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law mang, im willing to bet you bent your rim and the sound you hear is the bend passing through your brakes. true that puppy........

as for the shadyness, you hit the nail on the head, they wan't no experience so they can fuck you. at least they're being honest. unless its a typo...

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I've spent the last two days riding my ass off on my Pista and I've come to a few conclusions as well as lessons I learned:


1: Don't tailgate going downhill... or ever for that matter.

2: Pay attention to what's in front of you and who's darting out from a side street.

3: A fixed gear bike works all the muscles an 18 speed doesn't. Which would explain all the sore muscles in my thighs.

4: Skid stops were invented by the devil to rid the weak from riding a fixed gear. Especially in the burbs. I kinda love/ hate him for it.

5: Know your limits... I was hauling downhill towards a light that is always green when I do this route. I had no worries of needing to stop because after the light the road goes up. My luck... the light turns red as I'm about 100 yards away. This is the moment that I learned to skid stop. It was rather amazing, to me. I just hankered down on the crank arm like it was natural and I skidded to a nice slow pace. I looked around with this huge grin on my face as if I was hoping that someone I knew saw it... nope, just a guy in a pick up shaking his head. I haven't had a problem stopping sice that incident. BUT I don't think it was very smart hauling down a hill without knowing what I was doing. Hence #5's lesson for Joker.


I have found that riding with track handlebars is a bit difficult when it comes to grip. But I really like the feel of the bends in the top as well as the drops. I don't have them taped all the way so maybe that's part of the problem.


Anyway, just thought I'd share my enthusiasm for the fixed rides of the past few days. It's making me consider riding the 12oz. wine country ride on a fixed.

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good points joker...

i test rode a canondale r4000 si or something like that today at the bike shop. i'm usually not a fan of the 'dales at all, but this baby was kind of sweet. like jobe, i have admired the kysriums for a little while from afar, but this was my first time ever riding them... smooth... it also had a carbon crankset, which i dunno, it looked cool, but i'd probably prefer to run a dura ace on that thing... at any rate it was just really fun to whip around for a little bit on my lunch hour to break up the day nicely.

the funny thing is, even though i'm not even done building this track bike which is completely breaking my bank, i'm already thinking about a new road bike... haha, i'm completely bike loopy at this point. out of control. i wouldn't buy a canondale, and i don't really know where to start... so joker if you have any recommendations, or anybody else for that matter, please jump in... i like high end stuff, but i really can't afford to go pinarello or colnago, or even really drop 3g's on some bike. haha, i'm too broke. i think i may have to start looking to try and find a deal on a used bike. for major brand bikes, something like a trek 2300 would stand out to me... it's pretty and can be found for not a ridiculous price used considering how nice it is... i dunno. i'm looking for a roadie to bless me with some knowledge.

hooray for bikes.

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Tearz... I guess the first thing to do would be to have your local shop do a full measurement on you using a "fit-stik" or a fit-cycle. This is by far the most important step if you ask me. If your bike doesn't fit right... that first long ride is going to tell you so. The second thing is figure out your price range. Be willing to go above that range by at least $100 if need be. And then from there it's a matter of what you like and what is going to fit.


I've seen a high-end Giant, similar to the ONCE squad's bike selling for a little more than $2000... that's with Kysriums. Not a bad bike for the buck. Though those blade forks look a bit odd.


A higher end Cannondale isn't so bad either. I bought a low end (R400) for my winter/ rain bike and I dig it. The gruppo is for shit but I can eventually change it out. Don't rule out Cannondale. Especially with their new line coming out. Black is back!!!


Trek has a good bunch of high-end bikes available. And you can't go wrong with any of them in my opinion. Though I'm a bit biased because I run a Trek5000 myself. Well built bikes and they handle nicely. Good warranty too.


Lemond has a few bikes in the under $2000 catagory that are damn nice as well. The problem with Lemond is that they all have a long top tube. Which is great if you have a long torso or long arms. If not... it'll feel like you're on a time-trial bike.


Even Scwhinn had (and I do mean had) some nice higher-end models last year. With Dura-Ace, Kysriums and all kinds of crap for about $2200. If you can find a shop that still has a few or can get you one... they might make you a deal.


Bianchi has some nice bikes as well. Anywhere from about $1400 to the price of a Honda Civic. When I was looking for my winter bike I saw a bunch in the $1700 range that were full Campy Veloce or Mirage. Not bad my friend. Thing about Bianchi that I've noticed though... they outfit their bikes with really narrow handlebars. Like a 40 or something even smaller. Most shops will switch it out for you though. Nice built Italian frames with Italian gruppo. For the buck you can't beat it.


Specialized might be worth looking into as well. I don't know much about them but I'm sure they at least have a $1500 -$2000 model that's worthy.


This is also the perfect time to buy a bike. It's the end of the year so shops are selling at discounted prices. Even outdoor stores like REI or Copelands has road bikes for cheap right now. I even saw that Saeco Cannondale, with Campy Record gruppo and Kysriums selling at Costco!! For $2400!! That's a hell of a lot cheaper than any bike shop.


As Phil Ligget says... "Give it a go" and good luck in your search!

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even though you surpass me in bikeology by far, welcome to the fixie road club joker. i think working as a messenger on a fixie has taught me tons of valuble lessons. maybe more than any coach, could teach me. i dunno, the lessons are different. maybe if they ran the entire tour de france through bustling city streets i'd do good. ah well, probably not. couple alley cats coming up though. maybe i can get one in before the cold really hits.

tearz, check out that lemond. i forget which model, but its got ultegra and shit, under 2g's. i know how you feel man, i picked up a derosa catalog the other day and am just in a state of shock.

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hahaha i read tearz' post and this is what i see not reading periods or anything...



"this baby was kind of sweet like jobe"


i start cracking up.


independent will make a sweet custom frame for about 8. and you can always look at waterfords a little over a grand but obviously the best bike made.


i am not a huge fan of factory produced american stuff. but do what you will.

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Waterfords are definitely a very well built frame. But with the frames starting out pretty high in price, once you put a decent set of equipment on it you're well over Tearz spending limit. Unless, Tearz you want to build a bike little by little. In which case... sky's the limit.


Check out www.worldcycling.com for high end frames. They have a small selection but pretty good. Even Colorado cyclists have some good frames. And everyone is selling at discounted prices righ tnow to make room for next years models.

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joker that story going down hill was soo great, it reminds me of the panic i felt doing something very similar when i first built up my fixie,only i was going down hill, a very steep hill,and went to do a skid and it worked well for a second when BING the cold weld on my cog had given and the cog was just bouncing around on the hub all clang ding etc.needless to say i learned very quickly or relearned from childhood, to jam the heal of my foot against the tire or it was death for sure.wooo hooo.gets your heart rate up.although i think your story has a much more impressive ending,congrats on learning skids,so fun!

tearz,if i may suggest, if your looking at lemonds,check out the 02 buenos aires,at 1529.00 it comes with full ultegra,a carbon fork,and steal is a nice ride.cannondale is also very nice,i really like cannondales,but if i were buying a road bike,i would steer away from aluminum,i feel its a very unforgivving ride.youll feel everything on the road with aluminum,steal will dampin the vibration a lil more.i may get the B.A. lemond in the spring when i have to give back the zurich my employer loaned me.good luck homie.

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joker.... thanks a ton. i will certainly look into all of your recommendations....

jobe, somehow i had a feeling you wouldn't dig mass produced american bikes. :) i can respect that; i recognize that i'm a little prone to bike snobbery myself and beyond that, it's nice to have something that not everyone else has... but for the short term, i'm looking for something that has a good high performance: low price ratio.... which probably leaves me with something like a trek unless i can score a deal on something else from some nice person that doesn't really need to make a buck...

the main point is short term. i'm not necessarily trying to build my dream road bike by this spring, i'm just trying to find something that will get me through this season without destroying me financially. some day i'll certainly be rocking the italian steel, but not for now unfortunately.

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20 freakin' pages. Who would have thought that we would come this far?


So I'm a bit jealous of you guys right now (especially you, Joker). I haven't had much time to ride lately. I'm working a lot and driving to Houston almost every weekend to see my lady. Hopefully I can get out and ride sometime this week, because I'm starting to get that lazy feeling you get when you haven't been on your bike for a while. She is just sitting in the living room calling my name.

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This one's for Willy...


A courier friend of mine was telling me about his altercation on Friday with an old man driving a Ford Expedition... with the 30 day temporary tag still in the window. Anyway, my friend was rolling along delivering a package when this nut decides to make a left turn real quick like without signaling while my friend is on the back end left side of his vehicle. Totally mushes him into a parked car but without injury. He looks to see if the guy even noticed what he had done and see's that he's looking right at him through his side view mirror... with a smile on his face. So he clips back into his pedals and hauls ass to catch the guy. About two car lengths away he pulls his U-lock out of his back pocket. As the guy slows for a red light, my friend rides by and takes out his side view mirror with his U-lock. He thought at most he just destroyed it, but when he looked back to see the guys reaction, he noticed that the whole mirror had completely come off. The guy got out of his Expedition screaming at my friend and freaking out. So my friend slowly rides ahead... starts to turn left at the light... looks back at the guy and smiles.


U-lock justice, baby.

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i bought bicycling magazine the other day at the supermarket to check out its list of best cycling cities...






small cities:


2. madison, wi

3. tucson, az



1. seattle

2. austin

3. san fran


large cities:

1. montreal


3. san diego


honorable mentions: philly, toronto, vancouver, minneap





3. BOSTON note: boston would have been possibly the worst had the city not recently created the new position of bicycle program manager.

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hahah schweet justice joker. philly gets an honorable mention, fair enough i guess.

did i tell you guys about my story from last week? strrong words and a crashed car???

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i dont know if i told you the story of the old business men that ended up with their suits dripping in spit. and the shape of a mini u lock in their windows. well i was rolling thru cambridge st near the charles river bridge (the salt and pepper shaker) and this is accident central because of the light setup and i get spanked by a lincoln continental. ended up on his hood, in boston bikers are a pedestrian by law but i wasnt hurt and jealousy was fine so i got off the hood and smashed my u thru his shitbox bourgeosie window, then he and his scared little business partner rolls down his window and says what the fuck, i was all you just hit me you fuck bag he says get off the road........ up comes a very nice ball of phlegm, launched and landed promptly on his gin and tonic nose.


made me feel better. i should have tried to get money tho.


boston is one of the worst cities for biking and that whole bicycle mgr position is bullshit, they havent even put in any new bike racks but will put your bike on lock down... in a heart beat. hesh pray i can get the fuck to philly.

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im waiting for ya mang. theres alot of work to be had these days, ive had at least 3 different companies asking me to come work for them in the past 2 weeks. wtf is that??? your not allowed to trick me into working, im doing good w/ the bullshit construction gig.


as for my story:

this happened last week. broad st here in philly is the main east west dividing line. it runs the whole length of the city, from the delaware to wayyyyyyy up north, its 4 lanes of fun:rolleyes:. anyways the part of broad that runs through center city has an island dividing the 4 lanes, the island is regular curb heiight and sidewalk width. it has breaks in it for the cross streets every block. ok so im riding down broad in a helatious mood. i was so pissed off and having a bad fuckin day. therefor im in the middle of the right lane riding at a turtles pace. out of all the cars that navigated around me there was one guy who rode my wheel for at least 2 blocks and was beeping his horn. he had no reason to do this, traffic wasn't heavy, he could have gone around me quite easily. he was just trying to teach me a lesson. so he gets the nreve to pass me and he does that lame cut it close "im gonna scare this guy move" and goes by me hollaring something.(why people think they can scare couriers is beyond me) anyways, this guys actions only further infuriated me and i took off after him, i cought up after a light or two and started punching his window telling to pull his fat ass over. his ugly fat wife riding shotgun had a look of horror on her face and he was yelling obsenities at me through the window. this went on at speed for a block and my street came up so i hung a left and left him w/ some choice words, i always sem to begin/end w/ "who the fuck do you think you are??!!" upon seeing that i was leaving the situation this pussy ass fat fuck tries to get the last word in and rolls down his window and yells 'im the guy fucking your moth..." - CRASH! BOOM!...the dumb bastard hit the fuckin island while he was looking back at me! AHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! my bad mood was lifted and his car was probably fucked. ahhhhh good times....


and yes, spit seems to be the weapon of choice..

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Guest imported_Tesseract

HAHAHAHAHAHA, this is fuckin hilarious.

That guy will remember you for the rest of his life...

hahaha man i'd die to see the look on his face.

Its always sweet when fate decides to relief you from giving some people a lesson.

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That's some funny shit, Hesh. That would have made my day. I hate to do violent things unless provoked, but I love to scare people just enough so that they will think twice the next time they decide to be an asshole.


As for the best and worst cities to cycle in, I am currently in a "good" city. Unfortunately, I'll be moving to Houston next year. I've been doing some research and what-not, and it turns out that the Houston bus system is not equipped with bike racks (I wouldn't really care, but I'll be living in the burbs and commuting to the city everyday). The good news is that Houston is trying to win a bid to host the Olympics, so they are adding bike lanes, making the city nicer, and they may even have a rail system in the next few years.

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