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my bros best friend has an 80s panasonic twelve speed.

it is built with the same tubing as my brothers bridgestone track.

some solid stuff came out of japan in the last bike boom, no doubt.


what tubing, ishiwata 019? kaisei 019? quad butted miyata tubing (ishiwata in disguise)?


yes, i'm a tubing nerd. but those japanese guys had steel down, i'll put kaisei up with reynolds. than the market shifted to aluminum and they got fucked over.

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I have just moved to great plains, usa.

I take my swobo out for a ride. Follow a road that runs out of town, parralel to a UP mainline.

The entire time, i felt like i was riding really fast. I turn around and realized that i am riding into one of the worst headwinds i have ever experianced.

This is a lot differant. I dont like it.

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cycling in politics...



I don't think Americans are going to give up their cars in favor of bikes as a means of transportation... at least not 99% or Americans, but I can understand what the Democrats were getting at. For this Republican to say that it's ludicrous to ride a bike instead of paying high prices at the pump is kinda retarded, if you ask me. He's basically saying it's our duty as Americans to pay the high prices and drive our cars as much as possible. And why would would not want to. We must be stupid otherwise.


I think it's also old world to want to find ways to work with coal and nuclear power in "clean" and environmentally safe ways. It doesn't solve the problem we're facing, only masking it. The sooner we get into electric cars and hydro powered cars the better off we'll be. It's the only way to no longer be dependent on foreign oil. For a country that prides itself on being the dominant power in the world... why are we the bitch of so many countries?


Thanks for posting this video. It further illustrates why I don't care for politics or right winged folks. Or I guess I should just say rich white people.

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fuck this 98 gt vengeance piece of shit. nothing on this thing is a normal size, and gt cant even tell me what the specs are. how the fuck do you not know what size seatpost a frame you built takes?


this thing is going back in the trash pile


sell it on craigslist, make it someone else's headache. i did that with a 70's english frame, it was a headache and a half.



that senator is retarded. i bet he's one of those guys that yells at me from the passenger side of a pickup truck as i breeze to the front of the line at a stoplight... seriously, the main thing that makes having a car a necessity over a privilege is the existence of suburban america. if population was concentrated in the cities and rural areas pre-Great White Flight , we wouldn't have this problem. who enjoys driving in traffic anyway? i know i hate my life everytime i'm in a car trying to leave downtown portland after 4pm weekdays. on a bike i breeze through the lanes and my time is unaffected no matter how many cars are on the road. sure beats burning up gas for stop and go bullshit :)




i built up the bridgestone and immediately raced it in an alleycat upon completion. needless to say this is the nicest bike i've had so far. double butted spokes really are the superior option! i think next on the agenda is buying track drops and taking it to alpenrose... though 49x17 is a little small for the track :(

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fuck this 98 gt vengeance piece of shit. how the fuck do you not know what size seatpost a frame you built takes?


this thing is going back in the trash pile


LBS ought to be able to tell you the seat post size.

they should have a little calibrated cylinder to drop into the seat tube.

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its not really the size info that im worried about, its finding a post. it seems that gt made the seatpost to match the crazy custom aero seat tube, and they are no longer in production.


i dont really care much, i didnt pay for the frame, ill probably just put my effort into some other shit im trying to build at the moment.

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Went this weekend up to Davis to hang with some friends from high school and go on a 75 mile *joy ride* with a few guys on the Aggie team up there. My dudes roomate is ranked second in the nation and has a full time pro career waiting for him when he graduates. We took it apparently *easy* and my legs were fucked up. Last monday It took me almost two hours to warm up. I cant believe the shape these guys are in. Also my dude is working on a bike computer that will show wattage, hill grade, friction, and one other thing that would fuck shit up for cateye and polar if they knew. Im hesitant to say what it is before hes got a patent for it ill be telling everyone where they can get it.

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