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Passenger Trains...Flixx from allover


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load limit, thanks for clarifying. with the numbers and stuff it all makes perfect sense.


and we all know you guys started the thing, so iether way all my respects.




eels, those pics are crazy. the wais with the reflection in the puddles and the one with the seabird are fuckin good pics.

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everything load limit said is true


as well, the mentality and philosophy behind the two genres of graffiti is pretty opposite. there are writers in europe who don't even bomb the streets but are dedicated simply to doing panels on subways. as well, freight writing is a much more individualistic, anonymous thing. the goal isnt to get the same thing out of the graffiti. its more to do a nice panel on a freight that will travel places you dont concieve. subways are like militaristic in the way its like a mission, with alot of planning and its usually done with several people operating as a gang. subway writing in europe is also alot more criminal with the types of people who do it. some subway crew also roll like gangs, and its more of a crew thing than individual. but dont think freights are all just midday painting for hours with no security and no risk. and in north america, people got firearms, and train yards are usually in bad neighbourhoods. so with freights, its not always even the police that are stressing you most, but neighbourhood gangs and other writers patrolling the spot to rob you. respect to both types, both different, and both with inherent qualities unique to their category.

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