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Peace Bro!

Hit up Mt.Olympus when you get there!

I here they got made ladies that will watch you

wrestle other dudes while naked!


Wait... the guys are naked??


Never mind!

Stay away from Mt.Olympus... I repeat...

Stay away from Mt.Olympus!


Safe travels!

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bassicly at first i didnt feel like sharing my ink recipe with some 12 year old who never busted a tag but im bored so i dont give a shit anymore...

the be all end all of all inks:

take any solvent based ink...


marsh t grade and rolmark

feibings..... purple is by far the best.


random leather dyes



pilot or omega

raven oil.

mix them all together, now get a pot you can ruin and slowly boil the ink, make sure you havent added anything to the ink yet.

stop boiling it before it turns into a paste.


step 2 with your new thick mix of inks add some petroleum distilates i use kerosine, but paint thinner will be fine.

add fish oil but not to much or your ink will never dry.


step 3 add blue and purple additive(like id let you know their chemical name) you dont need that much...this is the most important part.


stir and now fill your marker and have fun........

ok some of you swear by brake fluid i personlly think from my own experience that adding it doesnt help tags leave ghosts after being buffed but thats me, so if you think that shit works add it...........

now i will not explain what anything in hear is so if you dont know too fucking bad and if you cant come up on additive too bad.

this ink is what kings use so if you dont know now you know nigga. your welcome






ya i used wayyy too much fish oil once and i was testingit out an dit never dried...

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You can go a really

great route of making a simple tuff ink from

pinching out the black/blue ink from ink pens

into container and little by little adding alcohol

to the ink to thin it out. Pen ink is mad thick.


a secret for my pen ink...


in riddle form...



I have found in many an old ink recipie, and it makes pen ink water proof in small amounts, and the ink on its own stains painted surfaces. Takes a bit longer to dry, though.


I made an ill purple, waterproof on plastics.

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serious concern and looking for a serious answer....are there any dangers in carrying these ink mixtures in your bag and walking around all day in this summer heat i mean could the ink potentially blow or something of the sort??

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ok i remeber a while back we wer talkin about bringing supplies via airplane. Like what not to bring cuz it will most likely get confiscated.


Well anyways, im goin on a trip and im thinkin about bringing a few markers. DED and Oink i think are out of Things To Bring because of the chems. So im thinking maybe Junobo would be ok to bring? or possibly an OTR if i have to.

anyone have an answer? someone whos takein a trip recently?

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You can go a really

great route of making a simple tuff ink from

pinching out the black/blue ink from ink pens

into container and little by little adding alcohol

to the ink to thin it out. Pen ink is mad thick.


A few people on here have tried and accomplished

this effectively.


how do you squeeze it out? i either have to chop it up and let it sit carbon paper style, or blow it out.


I LOVE PEN INK. when i finally realized what was wrong with it and added my lil secret, its pretty solid.

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