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rubbish heap

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my thread has turned into a piece of shit.


slipstyle, go search the damn thread for your "hard to buff" ink, it's been mentioned sooooo many times. and the proportions of paint thinner to paint to brake fluid, hell i'll just give that one away. personally i use about 10 to 20 percent thinner, and the rest paint. i haven't put brake fluid in in awhile.


ods, garvey doesn't stain plastic really, it's mainly a metal stainer. this is why i suggest mixing it with another ink - i usually mix mine with marsh.


i myself haven't used black garvey, and i don't really care to try. marsh and violet garvey makes such a nice dark purple anyway. by the way, according to omen black did has staining power but not as near as violet. he discussed it earlier in the thread too.

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Originally posted by dlokddlokd

yo i hate mixin ink ...its a bitch.....some one down to trade for ne thing...i got mad poster markers with tha phat nib in hella colors...brand new....im lookin for inks....holla...on email ....aim....or here...






hit me up on AIM:Highs149 i got plenty inks fresh and used.
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rubbish heap my thread has turned into a piece of shit.


slipstyle, go search the damn thread for your "hard to buff" ink, it's been mentioned sooooo many times. and the proportions of paint thinner to paint to brake fluid, hell i'll just give that one away. personally i use about 10 to 20 percent thinner, and the rest paint. i haven't put brake fluid in in awhile.


ods, garvey doesn't stain plastic really, it's mainly a metal stainer. this is why i suggest mixing it with another ink - i usually mix mine with marsh.


i myself haven't used black garvey, and i don't really care to try. marsh and violet garvey makes such a nice dark purple anyway. by the way, according to omen black did has staining power but not as near as violet. he discussed it earlier in the thread too.




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How do i tell if the paint in my garage is latex or oil it doesnt say it anywhere on the tin........................................ I hope it's il based cause i got a tin of glow in the dark stuff that i tried thinning with turps and some other stuff.

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visual aid, i don't know about you, but i can smell the difference between oil and latex based.


if you can't, i'd suggest pouring a small amount of paint into 2 jars. mix one with paint thinner and the other with water. if, say, the paint thinner doesn't mix with the paint, than it's latex. vice versa and its oil.


sneak, i emailed you.

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thanks man.



I found out a nice little combo the other day aswell which is really hard to buff.


Take a Pilot Extra Broad and use about half of the ink in it tagging and stuff. I then got some permeable india ink of my grandma which is 30+ years old and it stains like no other. Put as much into the Pilot extra broad as possible. Then chuck in some red printer ink not too much as it'll make the ink too thin. Then finally add a bit of cherry red leather dye and some brake fluid.


Leave to drp of excess overnight and in the morning you have one mean black/violet/red marker.

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Well this thread has certainly gone downhill a bit. Darn.. now I have the sound of that guy singing "Its all downhill from here" in my head. It sounds like someone is squeezing his balls when he sings :lol:. Personally I think this thread needs some serious Queer Eye-ing, all the usefull info should be edited onto the front page, and then this thread should be locked. The only thing going on in this thread is stupid newbies asking questions that have been answered thousands of times, I think the mods should just devote some serious time to editing it, throw all the good shit on the front page and delete everything else. Then we also won't have stupid excuses for stupid questions like "but its toooooo long!" and shit. If we do that ^ bam we got a killer ink thread with everything there is to know.

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I think, eventually, I'm going to skim through all 31 pages and take every useful bit of information and turn this thread into a giant FAQ.


edit: Sneak, I still haven't recieved your email which leads me to believe Comcast must be doing something wrong. You have AIM? Hit me up, s/n: invermisty.

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I have discovered that black RIT DYE is very difficult to paint over, which in some places the buff just paints over tags. I did some rit tags on a practice surface and tried to buff with some white paint. Won't budge. I had to use like 5 coats and It's still there. I can even still read it clearly.It's easy to buff with chemicals, but not with paint. And chances are the buff squads not going to try to buff that tag with 6 layers of paint, they've got other shit to do. I will be conducting another buff test in about 30 minutes to check my facts. I also ordered some black garvey, I hope it's good.

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Guest sneak

unfortunately not...aim doesnt seem to get on with my comp.

ill try emailing again..

im usually about on msn under the same email if thats any help.


bump for one of the better threads...

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Originally posted by rubbish heap

why'd you get an OTR superpermanent anyway? isn't that thing like the exact same to a pilot only more expensive? ink sounds like it if its not leaving a ghost and there's a cotton filler.


with the griffin mixed in, it may leave a slight stain but not on every surface. the trouble with griffin is that it clogs up nibs after awhile, like on a zig posterman or an OTR. i don't know about pilot type markers though, i've never had any problem with griffin clogging those nibs.



umm i must hav som freek OTR H2B then because i have left behind ghost tags before an i ahv added nothin to it

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