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The Street Sticker Thread


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wow very nice, im guessing thsi is the big one you told me about...i like it alot. sorry about tonight, i wound up getting back to philly pretty late and its raining now anyway...dont worry we have to get that spot haha...my favorite is the one you posted that says beware of...eltoro! great placement..



rube, im going to send you a small pack of stickers seperate form the 20deep stuff with the collabo you send and soem more bobs so ill send that soon...stomah, i just got home to get your package and i love the hat and the piece on board, both hot...ill be putting up your stickers very soon.



oh yeah, thats awesome whoever caught this one....you should see it now...its mangled, so i put like 3 more up on that sign...by the time i got there to put the three up that bspek sticker with the ambulance was hanging by a thread, so i took it down and its in my book now, better me saving it than someone who wont understand...


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I like that toro that is on the Warning sign, with the gasmask. Very nice.


Dbd, Did you like the Jamify stickers. I made that huge one for her a while back, but she never did anything with it, so i thought i'd throw it in the box since there was room. Put those magnets to good use.

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oh yeah, thanks for those magnets, theyll be nice to work with...also, ill put some of your girls stickers up so you can show her flicks of it in philly, shell get a kick out of it im sure..


frost, thanks for the hookup with flicks...are there still a lot of bobs up on broad? i need to get back out there..oh, and im going to be doing missions to get myself hopefully on mtv's realworld in philly. i have an idea of where their house is if you want to join me haha

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hey bob me and a bunch of other people are trying to bomb that house or around it. i think its 3rd and arch. we gotta hit it up before 3 weeks b/c thats wen they are beefin up security. my other friend wants to do a roller on top and bomb the shit out of it. should b pretty funny.

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dude you just the blew the spot, lmfao.. rule #1: never ever name the spot in public.. common sense dude, i'd edit that out before 300 other kids from philly head over there, and 20 cops roll there.. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


on side note; um today might be the last day on this site for me, i got kicked out of 2 of the schools i go to, so im probably getting kicked out of my house. :D have fun.

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Originally posted by fr0st

hey bob me and a bunch of other people are trying to bomb that house or around it. i think its 3rd and arch. we gotta hit it up before 3 weeks b/c thats wen they are beefin up security. my other friend wants to do a roller on top and bomb the shit out of it. should b pretty funny.


haahahahaa give them a good old philly welcome!...


oh yeah, im down...

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what u mean "i cant be serious"? i hope ur not talkin bout the name cuz thats what i write and i been writin long b4 i knew about this site...i was just thinkin that when i saw ur name though and when i saw u registered b4 me i knew sum1 was gonna bitch at me or sum shit

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Originally posted by chumbawumba

Yes communist was right, you just totally fucking blew that spot.


he didnt blow the spot, its the real world house, im sure everyone who wants to know, knows where it is...and no philly writers are coming to view this thread trust me, and no cops are viewing this thread, trust me...

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u should break in and put stickers inside...u shouldnt put them all over the place inside but put 1 or 2 on each mirror on toilet counters etc. it would be funny for them to just stumble accross ur stickers and they would probably tell every1 in da house to look so the camera man will zoom in on them i bet

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Originally posted by Destruction by Definition

that would be a pretty good way to get your stuff on tv, but i was thinking to find a bar theyre at, go in and start swinging at everyone and right before the cops come ill pull out my sticker and hold it ro the camera and start screamin, "Bob what!!!? What you want fool!? You better recognize! Buy a tshirt!!"


or send them complimentary bob shirts to wear on camera since you kinda already know thier address... just make sure they say 20 deep on them:yum:

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