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Holy shit dude, you're really serious about this.


I dont bite and I've never seen your sketch before but it wont matter to guys like you and Anger...Yall think yall making points and shit.


and it is that funny... :lol:


how bout when u thought u were making points about me biting msk?? when alll the fucking sketches i posted looked nothing like that shit, and now look, u got some shit that is identical to someone elses shit, like to the point the same. So why are u getting mad at other people for doing the same shit uve been doing to others???

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So why are u getting mad at other people for doing the same shit uve been doing to others???

I'm not mad at all, I'm actually pretty shocked an established dude like Zone would waste his time posting a sketch I've never seen in an attempt to say I bit his arrow...What a shame.


And you do bite MSK, you aint fooling nobody. :lol:

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kid should just except it. you bit it fair and square. but just so you know i got called out for the same thing in the scientist charcter battle when i used a pic of some cartoon as a referance and made it my own style, just admitted it and that is that.
I see the similarities in the 2 arrows, they're almost exactly the same. Dont know why but they are...That being said I can see where Zone would think I bit his arrow but I've never seen that sketch he posted... so there is no way possible I bit the arrow, just a really weird coincidence. So dont go comparing this to your Mad scientist character that you completely ripped off...It's nothing like that.


At least this gave Anger a chance to swing from Zone's nuts...That's always funny to watch. :lol:



This will be the last time I comment on this shit.

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^^ good thing he inverts his shit is all i can say. every little bit helps... :lol:


and dude, is that even really a throwie? but you might wanna take a little 101 course.

"throwies-simples-peices: and the differance between them"







It was kinda of an unfair battle though, I used Cap's A and P...So you really didn't have a chance. :lol:

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Its AN EARLY 90's SLANG, after it was exposed through the African Power and Black Muslims Movement- Which had white amerikkka shook.


The 5% Nation of the Gods and Earths Started that Slang KID, which is Alphabetically broken down as an attribute for each letter..


The word KID will never be played out....

Only a few know what it means. The rest just take it and abuse it or play it out...

But Judging from Home Boy Serif and Chips Technique, He knows his shit...

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