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TO KISE: Dont listen to this fool, you easily burn him.


2. those handstyles looked like puers, his hand burns the shit out of koots. anyone can loop their R's six times and say that its dope.


3. i will battle you in every way, shape and form if you would like me to. whatever you wanna do, we can hit it up, I WILL BURN YOU.


writers that cop an attitude like 13 year old girls get the gasface and deserve to be suicided quiickly. laaaaaaastly, you my friend, the people that would vote for you are your internet buddies who are always wack and create pieces by drawing a handstyle, slappin three-d on it, then callin it a piece. you get letters, drop the attitude, put in some work, maybe you'll get respect, but til then, you can suck my huge black balls.


oh, and, how about.


the word "WAES"


1. full color piece

2. handstyle

3. throwie

4. simple piece.


those will be the four parts to the battle, four different things to get voted on, it'll be fair. we can settle it this way i suppose.



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did i say that you bit, no ma'am, you've seen my painted stuff huh, oh word, the stuff i posted a year ago. You my son, are just another writer who deserves to be shot...i suppose that says it all. proceed with your wackness, your declining my battle attempt proves thats you have two lips, one on each side of your head..


- I Heart America

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this shall be my last response to you.


First, this smilie ":lol: " is played out, so stop using it.


Second, your age is easily expressed in every statement that you say. your words scream "IM 14!!!" out to me on every post.


Third, when i get my disk for my digital camera i shall post painted flicks for you, btw, just wondering, where are your painted flicks?:o


Fourth, stop writing, your giving a bad name to graffiti in general, plus, your toy-infant to the game of graffiti, stop using handstyles as an excuse for a piece. and i would like to know, how did that take you an hour? ha. Good stuff this internet provides for nightly entertainment, oh yes, one more.


Fifth, you say that me and kise are "internetbattlemessageboardkingpapercreatersplussuperbiters" then why is it you've been on 12oz all day today? nice work, your mommy must have went out on a walk and you had the internet all to yourself!!:) fun exhilerating day for you wasn't it.


well anyways, im finished, you can go ahead and ramble on, im going to finish with my business, you continue with you koot flappin in the wind on some pointless shit. Keep up the good work.



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dont try to act like your drunk.It just make's you look more stupid,and dont you feel stupid that you'r getting made fun of by a 12 year old,and the only thing you can back yourself up with is the word fucker,fucker's,or dumb fuck,oh wait or art fag,or art fag's.You seem intelligent

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:eek: wow some of you guys take graff way to seriously. Koot in the west battle you could say i didnt even do graff since it was influenced by ole english Wakes sketch was dope and a more solid graff style it was pretty even its just a matter of taste . your sketch wasnt bad either especailly after only 7 months you got potential dont waste it by getting big headed, graff and ego dont mix its good to think highly of yourself just dont project it out where people can attack it-

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ActivRok, I'll "battle" you. Just join in on the MEDIC battle. The word is MEDIC and it's an outline. The due date is Monday but I'll try to post up my shit Sunday.


Oh and Koot, I'll "battle" you with paint. You seem to stand by your handstyle. A handstyle alone DOES NOT make a good writer. So yeah, pick a word. I've been writing since last September so we're pretty much on the same level. Oh, and if you agree to the paint battle, whatever wall you paint on, make sure shit is illegal. I don't have any legal walls or whatever. [Koot, I don't have beef with you. I don't even know you. I also know what you are talking about. The people voting against you. Not only do they hate you, it's just that they seem to have this little internet crew going on. (ie. "Yo, your shit is dope so say the same about mine." You can notice this in most threads. Especially the ACE crew thread. Sorry Slyde. I talked to you before online and you seem like a cool person.)



I personally think that this internet "battle" shit is ridiculous. But I guess it's all for fun. Some perople just take this more serious than others. (ie. Yo nigga, come to the battle thread and I'll serve your ass) That kind of shit.



peace and down with this internet beef.

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damn after reading the last few pages of this thread i need prozac..

kooter who cares if u lose a sketch battle take as u can learn from ur mistakes shoot i got served by vandle lust and wraith much ups to them diffrent style dffrent tastes they day peoiple stop critizng ther own work is when u need to step away from graff like some on said graff and ego dont mix

and kise atleast u can say that diam influnced yer style and not front like u looked up tp no one

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