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My vote goes to PESK.

enough with the B-S ladies

anyone who knows anything about the history of graff knows thats FILLS are the biggest part of a burner. If this were a throwie battle i may change my vote.




OHHHH I thinks not. Letters are the most important part. Granted a good fill can hide poorly structured letters, but then you just shining shit and calling it gold. Anyways since I am broke too and don't have too many markers I like the idea of a 1 color battle.

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missing the point u dope ass dum dums look at a wicked ass colored wild style letter piece compared to a one color piece...letters are the most important but not the only element that makes someone. nasty...i got letters for days and style for days burn alot of u dudes to pieces...thats not in question..im just saying it is wat it is graff is nada with out all elements...i preffer wicked letters and wicked ass colors and concepts over dull black and white shit...show me any blakc and white joint on the wall and ill show u a wicked colored burner thats knocks it out the box everytime.....bottomline end of story...shhh like i said get to work cause i got shit for days to makes heads spin if u talking trash at least have ish to back it up i do......werd up...

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graff is all about ego pal lern the game...lol its based on battles and gett up more the the next its based on fame look at me shit...fuck u my styles better shit ...i got mad shit to back it up do you?? my crew is legendary out in staten island to ohio to freights to six pages spreads in day in a lyfe cover of the mag shit..??...no ego hear cuzin we got stats...but i agree no more talk ...

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Fight, flight, insubordination, collapse, ruin, disorganization, and rout. If like the seven sins of the soul; wrath, greed, sloth, pride, lust, envy, and gluttony, then these correlating words are to man just as important as understanding the values of A-Z or 0-9.

You see, all beings, were thrown into the wrath, rather more so put, the Fight. You my friend, like all the other creatures, are the winner, the sperm that won. If you could for a moment's notice, just pause.... tell yourself, "I am the lucky sperm, I am that dude/dudette, that is up, still pumping beat after beat." Such is the life of all winners, human or not, that get to dwell in the aftermaths of the wrath. The so called fight, if you so do go about calling it such. But all creatures know that the wrath is but the wrath. One can't go about fighting(fucking for some) all her/his life. There is more to life that just the fight.

Ah yes, the the flight. This moment, this epic being point is that of illumination pholks. You can than the IQ for taking pride in this one, and were not quite talking about the Intelligence Quotient either. This is the flight, in and of itself is sponsored by the wonderful geniuses in the cerebral quarters labelled as the Imagination Quality(-ies). Without such powers, nothing, no thing, silence, quiet, impossible.... well to put it more specifically in MnLxco terms, "I'm possible, because somewhere along the lines, humans did, the impossible!?$" We take pride in our flight. Condensation trails and all... (hahaha.....)

After the flight, which in my eyes is but the truest and most stable of modes, comes the insubordination stage. Disobedience, subversiveness, call it what you want. I think in mans unwillingness to submit to authority comes about the gluttony of ALL for the power to just either control authority, or be above it. I mean, it's like telling a child who just heard you say phuck, "don't say phuck". Already the child now sees a huge hole in the whole of things. For with pride comes gluttony to an extent, and if that pride is not attained on such a level as that which meets the individual, then insubordination is bound to take effect, so as to pleas the individuals'(child's) needs. Every king wants to be king. All lords strive for the overlord, rules or no rules. We fight for peace, practically, no I mean literally, going against the grain of what is deemed good in absolutely all major religions. FIGHTING for PEACE. Oh the PHUCKING humanity, god/dess must just chuckle to her/himself.

The collapse now is brought upon the individual like an STD comes about a person who has gone on to many a lust binge jag, but never once shielded up to the invincible for forces that deem to check a person in their place(s) of promiscuity. For truth is but the only authority, and quasi-authoritarian individuals have but little say on what is to be considered good or bad. For hiding is not helping and the VV. This game of being the freest country, yet still in all of the incarcerated populace, we claim 25% of the worlds incarcerated is slowly showing that in a supposed PHREE world, we ain't all Phree. The individual has a heavy price to pay for his actions and trysts with the supposed FreeDUMB.

Ruin. Ah the ruin of all ruins. Greed. Yes man's biggest enemy perhaps. The maternal side of mind(s) are lead astray by paternal ideologies. Greed, I tell you, in a sense that when a women put forth a child. And out from within pops a _____, it was but the man, I swear you not, who was perhaps the TERMinator, stay with me now, of the supposed next man. No longer a man, but downed out now by the letters B-O-Y. No longer a woman, but switched to G-I-R-L. And the name.... perhaps the most preJUDICED act committed to an individual, more so than finding out that he/she also had an assortment derogatory notes attached to the skin of their being, just cause. Greed. The power to say, I am the power that made your power, is the major manifestation of all human power. All is equal to man, it is just that the ruin started with man's idea of materiality to a much higher level than any equality could ever ascribe to. Name _______(hahahaha.... your kidding right).

But wait still, two more to go. So what's next you ask. Disorganization. Oh the amazing tricks and things that can play on a mind of many, when envy is dropped into the game. Like an atomic bomb dropped over Hiroshima or Nagasaki, the minds now run from this to that, always perplexed on what such and such is doing, or where such and such is about. Never intertwined with one's own being. Always asking the same old questions to life that in all honesty, are just made up. Envy, or disorganization lies in the mind and heart of the one who envies, not the the envied. It is the reason now that much of the world sits in turmoil. Waiting for the next man to come help, waiting for the next moment.... All individuals contain power. I for one have always blamed the governments for constricting self-government(ality). Good in nature and all, but the whole point was to have individuals with Fundamentals, first, and foremost, then you induce the PHUN into the minds. Ask yourself world. Why is it, you can write F-A-C-E but yet still can't draw a ______. Look in the mirror next time, and tell yourself, "I could've been an artist, but A-Z, and 0-9 got in the way, and obscured the _______."

_________Call It What You Want my fellow ilk. This is the coming age of the sloth. The rout, if it so, is now set in. WORK, WORK, WORK, WORK, WORK. Wasting One's Reason Knowledge. Hooray. JOBS, JOBS, JOBS, JOBS, JOBS. Just Over Broke Sucks. Hip hip, HOOOOORAYYYYY... Oh the look on their faces when the shit hit the fan. This was it. This was the race to claim all races. Here I am mommy and daddy, bling bling and gold time. Hooray.... Oh the sickness. the rout is here. Art, Fart, or Shit. Out of the day, your bound to make 2 out of 3 for the majority of most people.

So with that I bid you my thoughts on the issues of Fight as to the Wrath, Flight as to the Pride(where we should all be, Phreesmart), Insubordination as to Gluttony, Collapse as to Lust, Ruin as to Greed, Disorganization as to Envy, and Rout as to Sloth. We all are the instructors, and towards one of the instrumental pieces known to our beings..... the Imagination. Careful what you do with it, or what you let others do it when your not around..... Hahahahahahahahahahahahahah..... God is word and word is god. Put down your bibles and start copying a dictionary...... Hahahahahahah.... You should also try drawing that thing in the mirror you keep claiming is a F-A-C-E.

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