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if this is how style progresses when you stay in your home, never paint, and sketch in every online battle...

boy am i glad i came up the right way, by going out, meeting writers, wrecking shit, and sketching for the sole purpose of improving what i put on a wall or a freight.

call me old fashioned.


you should try it sometime.

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i have. it got boring. i have more important priorities in my life now.

im not concerned with my style progressing, i have more important goals.

for the record, i share your opinion about internet ruining individual graffiti styles,

and i know that my style is "internet style" and no, im not fond of that, but i also dont care.

i just draw this shit in my spare time while i sit around smoking pot and listening to music.

all of the things that you criticize me for, are things that matter to someone who is actually a writer,

someone who actually gives a fuck about "Graffiti."

I dont consider myself a writer, nor do i give a fuck.


troll someone else, there's a whole sea of targets. =)

not sure why you're so in love with me.

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heres some crits for the above sketch...

the previous comments make it seem like we're dating or something.

i like where youre going with the "h".

i dont think you need those blobs on the far left/right of the sketches, they serve as extensions, but theyre kinda pointless.

i cant even really see the "r", which is kinda sad because its one of my favorite letters.

"a" is aight, "c" needs work.

the 3D is kinda ill...like the highlights.

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werd dont ruin this we got some black book shit going here homie nada to do with the walls u dickhead stop pressing the dude he trys and rocks books simple and plain dudes and any harder cause they rock walls different artforms..stop trynna be a cuyber gangster someoen like u would get punched in the face around my way if u aint into black books why are u even in the paper chase shit and serious stop posting a bunch of bullshit in here mek can we ban this clown???

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^keep posting, don't act a fool and don't get banned. have fun and welcome.


also, ill be posting up on this battle finally.


good lookin out dude. for a first appearence in a battle i hope my shit holds up. my markers are deaddddd. i don't feel like using deco's for paper.

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