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ok i dont have colored pens so i fucked around with it on a compter for a bit, so please exuse the crappy filling


originally drawn in blue biro if yu want me to upload that scan aswell, im happy to do so


besides letter structure is re important anyway


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there's no 'n', the 'e's half retarded, and you did a 'd' i've been doin for over 10 years.. f' all those unconnected arrows.. good look on the white photo pen, learn to control it(what happened in that 'n' highlight?) blue background is crooked asfuck..

the only thing i like is part of the fill(light into dark), and the way all those wack arrows are used to shape your shitty structure

i didnt know you were in msk...

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Baron Von Counterculture



.. seriously, idk if i hurt your feelings in the kung-fu thread, but i'll do it here too..

if you want to be a faggot that's up to you, but don't flame around the flik threads, no one wants to hear your ass flap.. now go dig up more of my old posts, but take them to the chat threads, u homo

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if you knew me you'd be amazed i'm posting at all.. like 'how's he even stand up with a broken back'?, and when i can move w/o be'n dizzy, or draw with steady hands, or mainly get the f'off painkillers and my taste buds taste the flavor again.. you'll still be using unconnected arrows to compensate shitty structure and poor pen control.. with no excuses for your case except, you're a flamboiant toy who stalks weak posts.. i liked you better when you were deuce2

.. and pm me from now on.. i got 2negapropped dots i dont want to lose because you're gay and i got banned for it

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i like freaks style ;/ heaven forid he take the time to do full color piece. its not very toy shit imo. yea, the baron and mercer kinda smash it like vikings.


i ant been on 12oz for long but thhese kids re toys'. sorry ;in fact alot of you are shit, you need to work on letter structure otherr wise your shit looks like vomit andstop focusing on pen skills cuz its fucking, all oboutpint and paint skills



im drunk

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aaaaaaannd cancel this thread than. its a disaster with egos to big for the Internet.

i stopped coming to 12oz for like a year because of all the ridiculous shit talk. does talking shit to people you've never seen or met amuse you?? i don't fucking get it, please just post up your artwork and let people have their opinions. if someone doesn't like it you don't have to have a wits battle every 5 seconds, just don't be so insecure and try your hardest 2make your shit dope everytime.

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aaaaaaannd cancel this thread than. its a disaster with egos to big for the Internet.

i stopped coming to 12oz for like a year because of all the ridiculous shit talk. does talking shit to people you've never seen or met amuse you?? i don't fucking get it, please just post up your artwork and let people have their opinions. if someone doesn't like it you don't have to have a wits battle every 5 seconds, just don't be so insecure and try your hardest 2make your shit dope everytime.


what he said...

niggas talk to damn much..

let your graff do the talkin..

you get burned, you get burned..

now you know to come harder with it next time..

i should have my naked up soon by the way...

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