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The Photography Thread


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The second crow down is nice


thanks man its a blackbird though. he put on a little show for me as i was leaving and i got kinda lucky with that shot.



shooting wildlife is all about luck.... and waiting.. smoking pot is a good way to pass the time though.


Also, i tried to get some shots of the ducks flying but those fuckers were doin 60 MPH EASY and it is hard as shit to focus on them.

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loki i really like the idea with that lil baby thing it looks pretty cool

amongst i really like all of that specially the one with the rock in the sand

knim one i really like them i can never get good B&W but yours are great

jbrshmonster that ones really good your one of my favorites on this site

a few from yesterday i like last one most all crits welcome

nothing original





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for some reason my internet at work wont let me post more than liek 5 sentences as a time. grrr.


second pic is the best. its also the only one exposed properly.

last ones honestly arent that good. even if they werent under exposed (except for the light, which is totally blown out) the composition is just kinda...not that good. in the pic with the can, absolutely nothing is in focus. not the forground, nor the background. with the other one... its not awful, but like... its still not very good.



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...if you backed up a bunch and then zoomed in on the hanging object, so the rest of the wall behind it was out of focus, it would have been better, but as is, its just kind of flat and boring. at the same time, you're going to have a real hard time getting those pictures to expose properly, because of the darkness under the bridge and the light at the end of it. youd bascially have to 'bracket' the shot, shoting parts under and parts over, then splicing it together in photoshop. thats a lot of work for a shot that isnt that good to begin with. ha.


seeks/bored at work.

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if you take photos you like, post them. if they're so insufferably bad that nobody wants to see them, somebody will let you know. ;)


i didnt check this thread for a long time, cause to be honest, it seemed to be just a lot of back patting, which bores me. there are some really good photographers in here (much better than I) and an aire of general respect, so it seems people could be doing more to help eachother out. maybe thats me being a bit naive, but so be it.

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for me, the corners are now way more distracting than they probably were before.

they're the one 'unatural' element in the photo, which instantly pulls my eye away from the dude. that very well could just be me though.


FWIW, i'd have burned the building in the background a bit, and probably dodged him some. and as much as i rail against photoshopping things a ton, i might take out the pink square next to him. i like the color that it ads, but for me its a little distracting ince its dead center and basically neon pink. ha.



i hope i dont seem like im being over critical or anything, im just kinda pointing out the things that would bother me if it was something i took. overall its a cool photo, im just super nit picky.

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