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The WUFC SDK thread

Guest imported_Europe

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Opak and Inxs : guys that are respect out of the border because they are king of self promotion

but some of the biggest snitch in france, responsable of the big investigation in he beginig of the decade ...

Only toys in France respect them, they have to hide the whole day.

Do you know that Opak that claim to be Mr hardcore from Paris have never a paint a subway in Paris???

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I have never heard Opak or any other SDK members claim to be Mr Hardcore from Paris. Or claim to be anything but Graffiti writers. Not even GOOD ones. These guys, as well as many others, were painting their lines daily. Sometimes it was hardcore, sometimes it was smooth. They have done a lot — in the 5 000 range for the whole crew, 2 or 3 times that if you include the WUFCs — everywhere in and outside of their countries. They deserve respect for that but no blind admiration.


Do you know for sure that Opak has never painted a subway in Paris?


Don't you confuse "hiding the whole day [for fear of being beaten — I assume]" with "keeping a low profile in order to keep on painting"?


The investigation you are talking about started as a drug/violence case and somehow transformed itself in something larger and very different: a tool used by the chief of a police station in Paris to advance his carreer. The case is not totally close right now and the SDK, as well as many of the top Paris train-writers of that time are in for some very heavy fines. As far as I know, there was no snitching in this case; only careless writers nailing themselves and their friends by keeping their pics and all sorts of evidences at home.


As for selfpromotion, isn't it at the core of what we do/did?


When you make a magazine, a book or a movie, you have to find an editorial line. You either choose to represent the whole thing in its reality and end up with a real but shitty document or you decide to create a beautiful document and filter out what YOU consider like crap, thus ending with a biased but beautiful and engaging document. If you want to sell your document, you'll definetely have to make concessions: put pieces you don't like by famous writers, put crappy throw-ups by today's king of the street, however ugly these are. In the late 90's almost everything done in Paris was butt-ugly. If you wanted a representative magazine you would buy Graff-it. It was awful and tasteless, but it was true to what french graffiti was at the time. If you wanted beauty and inovation you would have to go with XG and watch DH1 & 2. The people behind these products were biased — and never ever pretended otherwise — but they did present a large spectrum of styles INCLUDING their own.


Halas, writers in the 90's used to read too many magazines and form a twisted image of reality in their head. Now it's the same but on a bigger scale with Internet. People like you have lots of misconceptions and like to vent them in public.


I suggest that you go back to the rails you supposedly live on and do your best with the 10 Montanas you bought from your local graff store.

Maybe, after the adrenaline rush will be gone you'll find some time to imagine what it was to be a trans-european train writer in the 90's. Hints: racking everything from paint to clothes, food and film-rolls, no googlemaps, no forums, maybe 5 or 7 graff shops in the whole continent, fanzines, no cellphones to speak of… and lots of places to visit, lots of different trains, lots of friends and foes, lots of fun.


I hope painting trains feels the same for you as it felt for them, or for me.


TL;DR: You don't know what you are talking about and — as always — those who don't know are the ones who speak.

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Indeed, the unintended irony of this sentence didn't escape me.


After I'd hit “Submit Reply” of course. :rolleyes:


Oh well…


but good you see the irony and understand it! :p

a lot of the guys here just dont get it, but that is another subject.

lets get back to the sdk-wufc stuff!

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