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Northwest Superthread II(without crappy flicks)


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Re: for the young and old alike


Peep with game its like this,


all those trains are wack ass fuck, and i gurantee if im in a spot where i see some of that faggot ass pars shit, hotel shit, daner shit....it will be painted over...Your all fake ass bitches trying to post your shit because no one else in this fucken world acknowledges it....i want to take a steal bat to all your fucken heads, just because your some buster ass marks doesnt mean you got to write to kick it....and other thing seattle is way to small to where you need the internet to see whos doing shit, survive the buff and still be up and cats will know walking down the street....dont go to extreme measures to seek aproval....dont paint little gay faces, and dont write words like daner or hotel alright peace.....


and if anyone thinks im being hostile eat a dick.....


who heard of the EVERETTE TOY CREW?

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