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NC graf.


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not sure why those attachments got posted with the flicks above..oh well..


Somewhere on the site they talk about it. Something about the switch and the computer trying to update itself or something, they said. Happening to everyone.


That Des Sine, is that the character from Wall-E on the left?





You came on here, we didn't go to you. You don't have to stay.


The Real Demer VS Wallnuts


Just curious why suburban white kids are saying nigga?

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it makes me sad to know these are the people i paint around tihs scene is just too small we need more woems and ppl that can actually fuckin paint.


you paint around, or over?? that wall looked better before, and those nsm cats have been doing their thing longer than you've had your graff training pants on. learn some respect..

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lol dude im sorry but as much as i love NSM that yors was hurting really bad and besides the fact that the hood kids went over that shit i know that he wouldnt go over nsm thats his homies, real cool fuckin guys cept for snuze is a little douchy but w/e but guys that actually help out and not just talk shit and suck at graff. and herbsyntec quit your emo bs dude seriously u suck, you always will suck, just quit graff and do us all a favor. im sick of seeing your shit honestly im not tryin to be an ass but you had your chance man go get another hobby you can only suck at something for so long b4 you need to just give it up. this thread is nothing but MTV REAL WORLD bs. fuckin eh man go paint! u guys make no sense! u bitch at shade for doing the same shit but yet i can scan this whole forum and i swear i cant tell the god damn diff between half of moms crews shit i think i am seein the same fr8 100 times. with like photo-shopped colors.

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Originally Posted by aratherlargetree11 (View Original Post)



"i swear i cant tell the god damn diff between half of moms crews shit i think i am seein the same fr8 100 times. with like photo-shopped colors."


That's some funny shit right there. But like the saying goes, the bench don't lie.

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