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Stenciling 101


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  • 2 weeks later...

I vote to un-sticky this thread.


it is not congruent with the HOWTO theme of the yard, and serves only as a picture post, everyone knows how to cut and glue things already.


posts in this thread are often shots in the dark and already answered before.


flour water, stir, stick and run. there.

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Bias ^


A few things come to mind lol. First is the fact you and plenty others will start bitching once people start making stencil threads asking questions.

Second, just because someone posted a picture doesn't mean the thread is no longer used to help people.

And you can't even use the last page or two as an example. In the other stickies people use those like fuckin chat threads...


If you wanna talk about something that should be done, it's combining the ink/marker threads. Hell as of yesterday people are even posting recipes in the marker thread. You could also join the Spray Paint and Caps thread. I like em either way, but what's the point when they go hand-in-hand, and in both threads you have people saying "take it to the other thread" lol.


Granted stencils are usually weak sauce, but it's still part of this artform, whether you like it or not. In certain situations stencils can say alot more than graff could, like the dude with the pics has proven...

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Bias ^


A few things come to mind lol. First is the fact you and plenty others will start bitching once people start making stencil threads asking questions.

Second, just because someone posted a picture doesn't mean the thread is no longer used to help people.

And you can't even use the last page or two as an example. In the other stickies people use those like fuckin chat threads...


If you wanna talk about something that should be done, it's combining the ink/marker threads. Hell as of yesterday people are even posting recipes in the marker thread. You could also join the Spray Paint and Caps thread. I like em either way, but what's the point when they go hand-in-hand, and in both threads you have people saying "take it to the other thread" lol.


Granted stencils are usually weak sauce, but it's still part of this artform, whether you like it or not. In certain situations stencils can say alot more than graff could, like the dude with the pics has proven...


very well said.

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instead of just fighting to keep this thread alive... i'm actually gonna post something usefull...


people don't realize that cheating is okay with stencils, that's what they pretty much are, is a hack for tagging. when a small connecting bar is ripped, just throw some tape on there. cut it to the right shape and slap it where you need to. the tape is actually stronger than the paper, so it helps reinforce thin areas. also, when you're totally done cutting out a stencil, put a spray on clear coat on it. i did this to one of my stencils, let it dry, left it out in the rain, and used it the next day...


hope someone uses this info

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  • 2 weeks later...

yeah i get a really big island going and i cut the only part holding it lol

that really pisses me off. but when i tape it it distorts my stencil, like if the strip is too small.

but this is really handy for larger stencils


one thing i do to avoid underspray on a stencil im doing for a stencil that i can lay flat is to put small rocks on it or even used 9mm bullets :D

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Uh, I guess, if you're stenciling on horizontal surfaces.... I prefer vertical myself. To avoid underspray, use spray glue. If you've got the time to do it, put another piece of paper over it or a book and apply pressure to make sure all the little sharp ends are actually stuck to the wall. Way faster than touching each piece of the stencil with your fingers.

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ive been having problems with my stencils when i pull the exacto knife out of the stencil paper to start on a new line, it cuts furthur into my stencil.

if anyone has this problem, pull the opposite direction you are cutting.

if you cut right, pull out to the left

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i have an idea for a... contest/team. so people make a stencil and email it to me and 3 other people, we will choose whose stencil will be the winner then hopefully have hella lot of people print and cut the stencil out and paint it in as many places as possiable. we could make like a international team.


first 3 people to reply will be the 3 other judges post email and post pic of the stencil to so others can help make a decision




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