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NIGHT-OWLS: word has it we've got Boogiehands

Guest willy.wonka

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I fucked this stripper chick a few times. Too many probs. I met her after coming from a strip club. Met her at the Tommy's drive through. They just got off work from the Rhino. Next day called her up and was digging it out. She knew I had a girl and was cool and down to keep it on the DL. I hooked her up a few more times. But she would call me up when she knew I was "busy" even though we agreed she wouldn't. She started getting fatal saying do drop her get with her and we could move to AZ with her kid and I wouldnt have to work shit. I was like wtf. The when we were sexing in my car she came out with little comments like "I hate condoms" " I don't like the way they feel" type shit. I was like "whoa baby ease up off the nuts". She started crying to me everynight saying she was cool with the situation at first but started to fall hard. Last stripper I ever messed with.

Point of the story she wasn't an intelligent dental assistant.

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its funny...


people always think that strippers would be easy to get in bed just because they strip for a living

but ive found that getting a stripper in bed is quite the challenge

at least the few that i have hit on successfully


damn i want another stripper

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Where did you meet that stripper when? It's harder if you meet them at the club or when you know they are a stripper. It's like they have try to hold out a little longer so you don't think they're a slut. She said she was a waitress at first.

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thansk for the new info yeah stripper chicks are tricky but i managed to get a couple of them to hang out with me and my boys. when i go to strip club i dont really oogle them liek the other people do im more laid back i dont yell and hoot most strippers come up to me and have a decent convo before its their turn to go onstage i was thinking at once about having some sort of writers bench in there with my crew

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i met this chick and a few others in the club i go to

the first one i was with wasnt a slut at all she was just some normal girl trying to make alot of money, she was beautiful... 6 foot (just a few inches shorter than me :drool: :drool:), brown hair, ass for days, bitching personality. the others were kinda easy i guess you could say... but what chick can say no to me and my truck?

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Tonight was "hella" dry,no one out really,so I came home,got drunk by myself,and worked on my car.........I know it's just a '77 Buick-but when it's done it is going to a sick ride,for sure-----I am restoring everything back to original condition......and make it look like it just got bought off the dealers' lot.....ooohhhhhh.....I can't wait.(I could have went out and painted,but what's the use....with one can of Banner Red in trunk...fuck that....)





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Originally posted by Pistol

I seen a 1998 S-10 truck for 2000 dollars but the odometer is broken and it has some frame damage cause it lowered. has a sucky paint job with gay flames. hmm


in all honesty s-dimes are the biggest rolling pieces of shit on the road

they have so many problems its not even funny

-door panels fall apart

-window motors break

-dash pieces fall off

-door handles on the inside break

-ive never seen an s-dime rolling with a straight bed

-engines have no power whatsoever

i could go on but i dont want to


the only thing they have going for them is that they are one of the cheapest trucks to build on

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Originally posted by Pistol

I wish I had a big ass backyard then I could buy all kinds of cheap old cars and fuck with them and make 'em look and sound cool, when i'm bored. oh yeah that and no money.


when i lived with my mom we had a big backyard that served as the perfect place to strip cars that we uhhh found

and it also served as a big fucking garage for my projects and other such nonsense, i bodydropped my first truck back in that dirty old backyard, hey that reminds me...



if you want a cheap truck that can be made totally tits for cheap

buy an 86-91 mazda b series truck. i had one of these as my first ride back in the day and it served my needs very well. no girls in highschool could resist me when i rolled up and started dragging rocker panel

and i think i built the whole thing for about 2,000 after paying only 1,800 for the truck. so for 3,800 you can have a kickass truck if you dont mind doing some of... well most of the work yourself

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I don't have a big backyard at all........I just buy things for super cheap that I can see potential in fixing up(without having to dump shitloads of money in it...which I don't have).....I used to detail cars for a company called DAA(Dealers' Auto Auction).....the headquarters are in Pomona,Ca.----I learned a great deal about the "secrets" of detailing and what it takes to bring a car back to its' original luster....man,Pistol,if you bought a "shitbox" that ran decent for less than 3 or 400 dollars and I spend a few days re-working it.....it wouldn't even look like the same car---I would be more than happy to do it also,just get a 12 pack and supplies and I would work on it all day........it is fun.have a good one....

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Originally posted by Gnes 37

my boy got a nice lowered new 96 tacoma shaved everything hes getting the bags installed aint exactly my steez but i dig it


my 92 toyota sports the 98 tacoma headlights, it looks real nice

i want to get ahold of some 98 tacoma bedsides and front fenders

i have plans... muhu hu hahahahaaaa

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Originally posted by 455

I used to detail cars for a company called DAA(Dealers' Auto Auction).....the headquarters are in Pomona,Ca.----


you worked for dealers? :lol: sorry.

some guys that work there have major beef with the shop i work for

we dont know why but they are always trying to act like tough shit when they see us

envy i guess?

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Originally posted by Gnes 37

crazy ass when one on the customization tip!!


you dont even know the half of it... sometimes i scare myself

when i finally finish the project im working on now im thinking covershot for minitruckin magazine. then i can sell it and start all over again

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Originally posted by WhenOne


you worked for dealers? :lol: sorry.

some guys that work there have major beef with the shop i work for

we dont know why but they are always trying to act like tough shit when they see us

envy i guess?




yeah,that place sucked......I used to jack shitloads of Burford's Engine Emanel from them though......Black and Aluminum......at least 4 cans of that shit would go out to the car every time I went on a break.....most of people I worked with were straight meth-heads......all of the time.....they would treat people like shit(the bosses)....one advantage was when I bought a '70 Impala Custom for 350 dollars the day before it was to go into the auction-----damn,I wish I still had that car...fuck it,oh well......my supervisor was pissed!.....I learned alot though....and took that a step further......if those faggots talk shit on your shop tell 'em to fuck off......most off the people I worked with couldn't clean a Hot Wheel......in other words,they suck.haha.

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Guest willy.wonka



i met up with intangibleflame tonight,,,me and my homie seare got drunk and tagged around..this dude hooked it up with 3 terracottas and im very greatful...


nightowls rule!!!

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arounf an hour ago I was bored cause my girl is at home i'm bored and I knew my friends went to a club. So i figure they might be home and have something nice for me to sidebust on. So I a drive over there. I'm speeding all fast and shit. I pull up. And i'm knocking on his window. All of a sudden 2 cop cars come flying down the street with their lights OFF, trying to be all sneaky. I think homie was taking a shit or something cause he wasn't coming to the window. Meanwhile the cops are parked in the street just looking at me. I got a blue dodger hat and a black hoodie on and nobodies answering the window at 2am. I'm like these fuckers are gonna think i'm breaking in or something. Cop goes "Do you live here?" and i'm like "nah my friend does." I hesitate to knock again cause I don't want him to come out and have the cops harrass him at his house and shit. HE comes out and were just standing in his yard smoking a cigarette and the cops are just staying right there. Then the helicopter comes over and is shining the lights on us. Finally the cops book it to the end of the block after trying to scare us or "holding the perimeter. I think someone tried breaking into a house or something cause they were there for a while. Needless to say they called it a night already so no girlies to "talk to".

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