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NIGHT-OWLS: word has it we've got Boogiehands

Guest willy.wonka

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Guest willy.wonka

Up the airy mountain,

Down the rushing glen,

We dare not go a-hunting

For fear of little men.

You see...

Nobody ever goes in...

And nobody ever comes out.


All of my dreams become realities...

And some of my realities become dreams


Wrong, sir! Wrong!

Under section 37b of the contract signed by him,

It states quite clearly

That all offers shall become null and void

If--and you can read it for yourself

In this photostatic copy--

"I, the undersigned, shall forfeit all rights,

"Privileges, and licenses herein and herein contained,

"Et cetera, et cetera,

"Fax mentis

"Incendium gloria


"Et cetera, et cetera,

Memo bis punitor


It's all there, black and white, clear as crystal.

You stole fizzy-lifting drinks!

You bumped into the ceiling,

Which now has to be washed and sterilized,

So you get nothing!

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yep,have a good one When.........send me a flick of the car you are working on when it' finished.....I would like to see it...anyways,good night owl........

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Guest willy.wonka

shit man,im in the mood to pick up and get the fuck outa here..this island is getting to me again...i feel like i rarely paint and its boring,maybe i feel this way cause i havent gone to the beach in a couple of days..

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Guest willy.wonka

like, i hate vegas,i hated living there and everything,but somebody was talking about moving there to work and i know its a good idea,cause its cheap and you do make good money out there..im thinking about it.

maybe after vegas i'll head my way back up to the bay area again.

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hawaii's nice and all, but i figure i'd go absolutely nuts if i had to spend more than, say, a month there... the idea of being literally stuck on an island is just creepy to me... i need to be able to go somewhere else, even if i don't actually do it, just being able to go somewhere is enough...

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Guest Dyptheria

yeah, hawaii is so small. you can drive around the island i live on in less than two hours..i can't wait till i'm done with my term here. i'm shooting for december to get the fuck out. i work all the time, and barely able to pay rent and living expenses...i love hawaii. like someone said, its cool for a month, but it does get old.


willy, its cool, i'm friends with platapi, uncleboy and barto...thyre my homies

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