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NIGHT-OWLS: word has it we've got Boogiehands

Guest willy.wonka

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Guest willy.wonka

alien nightowls get shafted on too,beware..


shoots and hoots braddah.....



i was goin through some gta3 skills last night...my ride left me in town.."thought he was gonna get laid or somethin" ,but he left me miles and miles away from my home...everybody was kinda shady and wouldnt hook me up with a ride..dont blame them,they live in the opposite direction:rolleyes:

but what pissed me off the most is this dude comes around me cause he gets to meet chicks when he's around me..

i dont even like him..little short fucker who is open minded but calls me a liar when im talkin about some stories...


well i was with all my gangsta homies and this fool comes around like wussup...gettin in my way while i was dancin with some girls,


-to the point-

i tell him my boy left me and everybodyelse i knew that could give me a ride took off...all he could do was luagh and say,"sucks to be you!!":lol:


right then and there i almost beat on the little man and stole his car...


i started walkin and my whole way home all i could think about how easy it is to carjack and be gone within seconds..be home by the time police recieve the apb...


but im a good guy..so i went over to my homegirls house instead woke her up and climbed in her bed and stuck my dick between her buttcrack and had real latenight sex:)


atleast thats how i wished it happened..i got the couch..:o


i got up in a bunch of places though..almost got into 3 fights about to rob 3 people..hahaha fights and robbery would have been the same people too...

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Guest platapie

dam willy you should have asked me. im sure i could have found somebody to give you a ride if nto then i would have.



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Guest uncle-boy

yo willt if i'm ever in town, i'm down to hook it up if i'm not doing something really important.


and i fucking hate it when people tell me "sucks to be you"


that line is seriosly on top my "most irritating things to say to a "friend'" list.:mad:

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what kinda donuts are we talking about? krispy kreme action?

actually erotica la was kinda slipping. last years was better.

NO Vivid girls showed up. No Raylene. No Jill Kelly





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Aria Giovanni is my new girlfriend.


Some redneck with my girl.


This face was while some old chinese dude was talking to her.


This was after the old chinese dude started bugging her and acting weird.


Sorry had to post it again



we are less than 200 away from "ther other" thread.

get on it nightowls.

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