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NIGHT-OWLS: word has it we've got Boogiehands

Guest willy.wonka

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he is doing alot better, he is back in the hospital and they have had to tap his lungs to drain the fluids off of them and they are going to keep him there for a few more days for observation but they have are just going to keep him ont he medicine that he was originally on to keep fluid from building up in his body. And they are just going to have to monitor his kidney function and if it starts to deteriorate they will have to take ihm off the medicine and either find a new one or keep tapping his lungs.


Since he went back to the hospital he has lost 12 pounds in fluid

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whats up nightowls? yes im back

these past few weeks off of 12oz have been exciting ones to say the least, good times shitty times but all together a damn good mix of shit

ive been hanging out in pasadena, hollyweird, and LA alot lately

i guess the most exciting story i could tell is one that happened this past friday night/saturday morning down in Tijuana. Well friday afternoon my friend coconut and me decide to head down to tj to do some drinking. i call up my girl and she says she is down as well. well we leave for tj around 8pm and get there around 10pm, we make the huge mistake of driving in but decide since we are there that we might as well park.

we park in the most respectable looking structure and set off to find some booze. we are looking for a club called safari that is 12bucks to get in but all drinks are free. on the way to find the club we are offered everything from vicadin to viagra to crack to weed to pussy. well we get sidetracked into a club called animale, no cover charge sounded good at first, we get inside and all order our table of drinks for close to 50 bucks...little pricey but what the fuck we figure.

we drink and drink and drink and its now about 1am. me and my girl go out on the dance floor to have some fun in this shitty club while coconut gets up on stage to do his 'drunken michael jackson dance' which is always funny. we dance for about 30 minutes till i have to take a piss. me and my girl exit the dance floor she goes back to our table and coconut comes to sit with her while i go empty myself

i walk into the bathroom and there is a cop standing by the sink

i think nothing of it. and continue to a stall to take a leak, mid leak the stall door hits me hard in the back. i turn my head to see the cop

staring at me, i shake my dick out, zip up and step out of the stall

then the motherfucker throws me up against the wall face first

im thinking what the fuck did i do? then i realize i havent done anything

i ask him what the fuck his problem is and he asks me for my ID, im thinking he just wants me to open my wallet so he can check out my cashflow, i open my wallet as he tries to stare into it (i put my cash in my sock earlier) i whip out my ID as he holds me against the wall.

he mumbles 'motherfucker' in spanish then proceeds to pat me down

well this faggot in the process of patting me down goes up my shorts and grabs my dick, 'what the fuck is going on!' i think to myself as i make the worst decision i could make in mexico. i turn around as fast as i can and give the cop a fist to the nose knocking him out, i kick him into the stall and run like a bitch out of the bathroom, i grab my girl by the hand and tell coconut to follow as we hightail it out of there, we run until we are a good 3 blocks away and close to the parking structure. we grab coconuts car and book it at high speeds back to the border

once at the border coconut decides to hassle the border patlot guy when he asks us where we live, i cant remember what he said but it had us all laughing except for the border patrol guy who was quite pissed but let us pass anyways. coconut passed put immediately after, my girl took a picture of me flipping off the border. it was a fun drive home since coconut was passed out in the back and i got to drive, me and my girl had some alone time after i stopped at a gas station to but some soap which i used to wash off my dick in the gas station bathroom.

so an hour and a half of the drive was fun until she passed out as well

i used the extra half hour to get off on random offramps and do J turns and burnouts in a car that isnt my own while bumping some poison the well. in conclusion this is a very long story, im sorry

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nah no stripclubs cause i didnt want to get the hooker finger in front of my girl, but everytime the guys outside the stripclubs aked us to come in i gave them the hooker finger, they looked confused but im sure they knew what was up

my girl got free drinks all night, i hate her for that

im saying no more tj for a while for me

when zack comes out this way we will have to make a trip though

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