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NIGHT-OWLS: word has it we've got Boogiehands

Guest willy.wonka

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Guest willy.wonka

i might put the hawaiian islands on there somewhere... night marchers are some hardcore spirits out here... they will march through your house.. a lot of people that come across these are terrified of them.

lots of stories on the night marchers

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I see your resolution for the new year is still on track MLT.

I cannot help to find it funny that as this show 'The Biggest Loser' is on, here I sit watching it eating pizza. Ha

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try getting a new computer fuck-o. haha!

anyways, like i was saying, if my grandpa croaks before you need a place to stay, you can always move up to michigan with me man. a house that big and no one to help me trash it? haha


krie, of course man, you know how i do, since ill be out of the desert in the end of the month i chill with homies every night, get smashed, its just an excuse to get even more wasted.


its fuckin 7 am and im still up, fuck i must be retarded. see you fools tommorow night.

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Question: If you have a criminal record, can you visit/live in the USA ?


Some people I have discussed this with have told me that you CANNOT visit or live there. Some have told me you can visit, but not live there.

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Originally posted by krie@Mar 16 2005, 10:28 AM

Question: If you have a criminal record, can you visit/live in the USA ?


Some people I have discussed this with have told me that you CANNOT visit or live there. Some have told me you can visit, but not live there.


A fellow writer in this city planned a trip to new york only to find out that he would be denied entry because of his criminal record.


But his record was as long as his arm and included things like burglary.

He has to resort to the alternative germany, which he wasnt all that happy about, lucky bastard is staying at kents house and is painting with can2, because of the path his friend paved in frankfurt back in the early 90's LUCKY BASTARD!


Anyway, that has nothing to do with anything, what i meant to say before i went off track with my envy was that if its only a small conviction like something that happened in the court of petty sessions AND you got a suspended sentence, then your good to go. However if you have convicted a more severe crime, then you have to say good bye to anything red white and blue related for the next 7-8 years before you can apply for it to be cleared.


Hope i helped.

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Guest willy.wonka
Originally posted by MLTf4nt0m@Mar 16 2005, 06:00 AM

also, wonka, that second picture = fucking awsome. whats the story behind it my friend?



there is this place called diamon head.. you can look it up on google, but a couple of us decided to run up that volcano crater and see what was going on up on the top... my homie paulo is yoga kinda guy.. and i reviel myself when i say that i just dont give a fuck.


he's one of my best friends.. he's from australia and always wants to take me to some of his favorite brothles.


we went on some major adventures... paulo is the cousin of the girl im in love with.

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