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NIGHT-OWLS: word has it we've got Boogiehands

Guest willy.wonka

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so was there some sort of nightowl chat on AIM last night? i had actually just fallen asleep a few minutes before, with the aid of sleeping pills, and my computer (on the bed, right near my head) made this ungodly noise to inform me that i was invited into a chat...

i barely had any idea what was going on, and i'm not entirely sure when it actually happened... i think it was last night...


and when, you were right, i have yer old number with the 69 in it, so gimme a call some time on thursday or friday and we'll figger shit out...


and deliss has her car again, so she better come hang out too :shaking my fist at deliss:



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yeah vinyl there was a short aol chat.. but noone loves me and everyone left me..







woot. im watching this thing on the 80's on vh1.. so great..they showed . new kids ont he block "step by step ..oh girl.. step one..we can have lots of fun.. step 2..its just you and meeeee" hah.. and then we saw this thing on tetris.. so we pulled out the super nintendo and are gonna have a tetris sess.. so great. oh deliss you got your car back. i need to move to cali.. and chill with deliss vinyl and when.. and pistol and webster even t ho he's not n.o. aw.. okay im going to play tetris peaceeeeee.

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I don't get my car back till tomorrow : (

The mechanic somehow doesnt know how to turn off this little light on my dash. He said "so uh that thing went off after the accident right?" me,"no.". ... So they aer gonna try to get the mechanic to "run tests" tomorrow. so maybe by noon tomorrow ! we should all hang. par tay.

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Originally posted by alure

yeah vinyl there was a short aol chat.. but noone loves me and everyone left me..



i gave alure a warning :lol: havin no idea wot it was

i think i addded u Vinyl, my username is krieone.


im new to it, still figuring it all out

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wow. kettie's thread about her shit getting robbed just made me remember something that made me blood boil. grrrr. okay im chillin.


im stressed tho. i just realized. after tommorow i hope it will be such a relief. because this last past year...was the worst year for me ever.. everything you could have imagined happened..it was my excuse to be pissed off at the world. and rebel..and hate my dad..and be a party animal and run away from all my responsiblities that my dad was constanting throwing at me and trying to control me with. and i have to live with alot of the actions that i did.. and stupid shit i did..for the rest of my life..that people i chill with everyday dont even know about. and tommorow going to court.. will be the last tie of all that drama and its weird..how i didnt even try to get a job through all of this..or had reason i couldnt.. and i got an interview the same day.. ya know.. and im so close..to being able to actually not just see the light..but be in it now.. i dont know. im a dork. but i hope my day goes well. forreal. im scured. cause my court and my interview can either go well or bad.

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Good luck alure.


I hated court. I was there all day, and when I got called up finally it took about a minute for them to finsish my case. And I fell asleep and the judge yelled at me. And I sat next to some hardcore criminal guy.


I had a shitty year also . Got kicked out a couple times. For things I didnt do. Car accident. Dropping out of school . 3 of 4 classes... being a retard and stealing alcohol for others. Dad getting real sick. etc. I haven't had a job since March. First my excuse was..I need to focus on school, then that I wanted to wait till I got a car, then to wait for school to be over. Then till court shit is over. But I am going job searching next week. DEFINETLY. And I'm going by myself so I don't just end up buying a bunch of shorts.

It's mostly true ..Whatever doesn't kill you really does make you stronger or tougher.


Yes I ramble.

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yeah deliss i ramble also. obviously. and for the most part when i type out paragraphs.. i hold back..hah. yeah i dont want to even type up all the shit that has happened..cause yeah. just lame shit. that im sick of saying and explaining. and plus most of the population doesnt care so i wasted my time and it was just me bringing up bad memories and then i get sad. so uh yeah. harhar



woopity doo daa.. *tapes mouth shut*

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Originally posted by alure

woot. im watching this thing on the 80's on vh1..


was it the one where they played

A-ha's 'take on me' and corey heart's 'sunglasses at night'???

ive got those songs stuck in my head now. stupid cheesy 80's pop music. VH1 has tons of 80's subject shows. I just turned to it and they were talking about Goonies.


God damn, Friday is so far away. I just want to make it to the weekend. I've had to wake up around 6 every day this week, which is early for me. I got stuck being school vice president and now i have responsibilities and shit.


someone give me a holler on aim sometime, i dont have anyone to talk to now that Tyler Durden and Dirty Habs are MIA, and Defy left. Those punks just leave their away messages on all the time.


*murp* L33h4rv3y 0sw4ld

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