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NIGHT-OWLS: word has it we've got Boogiehands

Guest willy.wonka

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Guest willy.wonka

is this happeneing right now...or am i dreaming of this..


thats the only thing..."THE PLAN"...the thing is..if there was no "plan/destiny/fate"....i dont think i would be dreaming of the future...

it happens to me all the time..the first time it ever happened to me, i was able to tell my friends what i dreamt of and what they were saying in my dream and even the music that was playing....it happened and i pointed it out to my friends and they all started trippin out..


after that...i couldnt remember any of my dreams.like that was the first and only time i would be able to tell anybody whats gonna happen.


"my spidey sences" tell me...then i remember.i met a bunch of other people with the same ability..


my cousin thought i was full of shit when i would say,"i had a dream about this."he thought i was lying until we tripped out on acid and then he bagan to dream of the future/caught my ability...we even found ourselves dreaming the same future...he would look at me when it happened..and i would say,"what?you dreamin?" he would smile and say,"yeah."


this dude from LA.."facer" has the same ability..i like when he says.."its uncanny, the way it hits you."...the way you know this happened before in a dream.


sometimes when people that believe me are around me and i say,"i had a dream about this..."i say.."this could be a dream right now..."

they dont like the idea of that..that they are just a dream im having that has yet to come...

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Guest willy.wonka

well im still up...this is somewhat shitty..watching the sun creep up when you have so much to do in the morning...



i brushed my teef,took a shower,listerene,went to bed and just laid there....i dont want to pleasure myself with sleeping pills, cause then i'll never get up..

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Re: devilush....


Originally posted by willy.wonka



i have a secret message for you...somewhere in this thread.you have to find it..shouldnt be too hard though.


is it the one where you tell me that you have an undying love for me?! if so, i found it!! hahaha well i dunno if i found it or not yet. but you know, i have all day at work to do that, right?? you know i love you....


btw...if you go to an oriental massage here in sf, go to the one right next to my work. the girls come in all the time.

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Originally posted by Zack Morris

this is 20 pages of pure nightowl hilarity and you expect that beautiful woman to find one message in it?


you guys are hilarious though!! i am playing the devils advocate and just watching this thread.


<span style='color:red'>"beautiful woman"</span>


you just made my heart skip a beat.

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Re: is this happeneing right now...or am i dreaming of this..


sometimes when people that believe me are around me and i say,"i had a dream about this..."i say.."this could be a dream right now..."

they dont like the idea of that..that they are just a dream im having that has yet to come... [/b]




yeah i think about that all the time.. what if you die and you wake up to find its all a dream.

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Guest willy.wonka

i'm kinda relaxin on flirting with my sweek cookie makin queen..cause if i show up to her wedding..i dont want her leavin "her man" at the alter....:eek:


girl you know its true!!!

ooh oooh..i love you.


good show zack..with a face like that...i could love you.:eek:

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i once had a dream that some strong wind lifted me and flew me into a fence and then the next day at school i was chillen on the bleachers and this horrible sounding wind came so i hit the floor hard to avoid it but i didnt notice i was not alone and my friend just looked at me like i was crazy so i just started bustin up and then told them about the dream. fun times.

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