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NIGHT-OWLS: word has it we've got Boogiehands

Guest willy.wonka

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Guest dephyone

man, i think this net beef shit is stupid, but i'm gonna kill lil payroll if that pinche puto keeps talking. i'm sure you guys know what i'm yapping about, i'm not used to this shit though, i was barely able to buy this computer about 6 months ago. should i drop it? poll of the day........

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I have gotten so close to smashing the fuck out of this machine.........but since it's cold as fuck outside I didn't......I don't usually go to bed until like 4 or some shit.......so this is a good way to waste time......as far as "internet beef" goes.....man,fuck that.......most of these fools that pop junk are like still teenagers and what not.......if it was up to me......I would just assume to put them all in fuckin' bus rigged with explosives and watch the fireworks while I laugh and take a drink of my beer...........



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Originally posted by WALE!pd

honestly rags if you let payroll get to you then your just as bad as he is... i mean shit how bad can words hurt your feelings? shit dude dont be such a cry baby you seem like a cool guy but right now your just not thinking or something giving him the attention he wants and emailing him, it serves no purpose



no, not a cry baby, an angry drunk. i know that net beef is dumb kid, i still just got that fucking gang member temper. i'll cool out, it's all good. i got a pocket full of anger-management pills by coincidence. i just can't stand little punks talking without walking. that shit is played. okay, i'm over it.:mad:

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Originally posted by ragsoe505

no, not a cry baby, an angry drunk. i know that net beef is dumb kid, i still just got that fucking gang member temper. i'll cool out, it's all good. i got a pocket full of anger-management pills by coincidence. i just can't stand little punks talking without walking. that shit is played. okay, i'm over it.:mad:

haha dude you seem like someone whos gonna have a fuckin heart attack from this shit.... maybe12oz isnt your thing if you get so pissed over something you describe as "little punks" then your nothing more than a little punk yourself. you know damn well yall will never meet up to battle so all your doing is the same thing he is, talkin shit on the net
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