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NIGHT-OWLS: word has it we've got Boogiehands

Guest willy.wonka

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hi owls.i know i havent been really a night owl lately... times are tough over here .. actually i just i dont know. so this morning i go outside and a dog attacks me. i'm like what the fuck??? i kick it and the owner starts bitching at me. i;m like, hey lady your bitchass delinquent juvenile dog attacked me. so i told her whatsup. okay that didnt really happen. but what if it did?WHAT IF????huh

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i'm so bored. its about 10:24.... i have absolutely nothing to do. i kind of hung some clothes up. took a shower..i feel so fresh and so clean... i went for a jog but ended up walking the whole way... i went to clean my car but not much to do there... bean is sleeping so can't bother him. i keep going in and out of 12oz. i'm a fuckin loser. good thing the weekend is coming.. :mexican: okay how come there is a "mexican" smiley but not a asian or black one?.discrimination ...

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a shtory


this mornin i was in a pretty :) mood . until this morning when i couldn't find parking and some bitch in a jetta with roxy stickers took my spot which made me very :mad: . i wanted to :beat: this whore's ass. and now i'm on 12 oz making really :huh?: (boring) posts. okay i'm gonna make a story using all these stupid fucking smilies... eh nevermind i'm to damn lazy...i hope you all had a :cool: day.yeah i'm fuckin lame. tough cookies

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Whoa oh oh oh Whoa oh Whoa oh Stumble in somnambulance so Pre-dawn corpses come to life Armies of the dead survive Armies of the hungry ones Only-ones, lonely-ones Ripped up like shredded-wheat Only-ones, lonely-ones Be a sort of human picnic This ain't no love-in This ain't no happening This ain't no feeling in my arm... name the song and the band and win a prize

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vinyl junkie: sup blood...

satanishisfather...: yo

satanishisfather...: bout's to go to bed son

satanishisfather...: soon

vinyl junkie: loser...

satanishisfather...: whatever

satanishisfather...: I have a JOB!

satanishisfather...: and I make more money than you do

vinyl junkie: i hate you...


vinyl junkie: haha...

satanishisfather...: much love, sucka

vinyl junkie: ehh, some luv, i dunno about much... you do have more money than me after all...

satanishisfather...: probably

satanishisfather...: I don't know

satanishisfather...: but I make $13 an hour

vinyl junkie: whore...

vinyl junkie: i make... oh, wait...

satanishisfather...: NOTHING

vinyl junkie: yeah... sniff...

satanishisfather...: yaya

satanishisfather...: what'cha sniffin?

satanishisfather...: glue?

vinyl junkie: my snot and tears...

satanishisfather...: emo fag

vinyl junkie: they're getting on my emo sweater...

vinyl junkie: haha!

satanishisfather...: haha

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dear mr. junkie of vinyl


you must buy a mini!

this chick that goes to the hooka bar just bought one

and tonite i weasled my way into driving it

shit was bangin son!

the interior is so damn comfortable

and the acceleration is nothing to scoff at

i was so fucking hyped to be behind the wheel of such a fine machine




p.s they do nice burnouts and donuts

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Re: dear mr. junkie of vinyl


Originally posted by WhenOne

you must buy a mini!

this chick that goes to the hooka bar just bought one

and tonite i weasled my way into driving it

shit was bangin son!

the interior is so damn comfortable

and the acceleration is nothing to scoff at

i was so fucking hyped to be behind the wheel of such a fine machine




p.s they do nice burnouts and donuts


i'm looking at a job that'll require a good chunk of driving 5 or 6 days a week, not including my usual 50 mile weekend commute... so i can probably convince my dad to co-sign on a lease or loan with me (my credit is already way fucked... can't get one on my own...)


also, did you drive the regular cooper, or the cooper s? if you had that much fun in a normal one, i can only imagine how much fun the s would be...

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Guest deadmansrum.

aye, uh, mr. willy said somthing, but through this rum filled haze i cannot remember what it was he was sayin'. so, alas, this cup's for me nightowl mates!




































back with ye! ;)

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Guest willy.wonka

haha, i woke up from a drunken night..knew i posted that and thought ot myself, "yeah, i'll go erase that before all the owls wake up." you musta quoted that right when i was deleting it..


fate i tell you fate

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as of monday, vinyl junkie will be tending bar at a pizza joint...

yes, that's right, stupid me went and got a stupid job... on the upside, now i'll have money...


a friend of my dad's owns a pizza place, so my dad hooked me up... there's only 4 other people there, including the owner, and it's a small family place with a beer bar... i guess i'll be serving beer most of the time, and helping out in the kitchen... it'll be 5 or 6 nights a week (after class, but i'll still have a few hours inbetween class and work) but i get my saturdays off... meaning i won't have to give up the small social life i have (this was the main reason i was dreading getting a job...)

everyone in there is an older fella, and it's in a fairly upper class town, so i was kinda worried about showing up with my tattoos and dyed (subtly tho) hair, but it doesn't seem to be an issue... i took the rings out of my lip for the interview, and i'll probably continue to do that when i'm working, but i still had the plugs in my ears... also, when he said i had the job and he was going over it, he said i needed to get a shirt like his- a white, button up short sleeve shirt... i was wearing a hoodie at the time, and pulled up my sleeve to show ink while asking if "this would be a problem"... his only response was that'll i'll probably get more tips if i wear a long sleeve shirt...


so it seems like it'll be cool, the people seem nice enough, i'll have money, and i may even be able to get another car...



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