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NIGHT-OWLS: word has it we've got Boogiehands

Guest willy.wonka

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Originally posted by Zack Morris

well the girl that was letting me use her backside for a pin cushion just left town....boo....I am going to orlando in a few months to stay a week or two with her. I am looking forward to it since she was cool as shit.


on a side note I got a promosion at word I am now an advisor to the new reps and I got a 5% pay raise on my commission I am now making 20% so I have doubled my starting pay


my dashlights are now out on my car...in a little bit I am going to go up to the store and buy some small blue LED's to put in and wire to a remote switch so that way I can see my instrument panel until I get the money to have my entire dash taken out just to replace a lightbulb. I am also thinking of buying a set of 12's for my trunk and a nice amo...anyone have any suggestions?

you get a promotion and yer training new hires and you've been there how long? goddamn fucker...


and as for 12's and an amp: damn you and your money...

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Anybody remember or heard of 187 Hudda?

187 is the LAPD code for Murder and Hudda is spanish slang for Cops.

These were made in about 92-93 when all the graffiti inspired clothing companies were born. (Tribal, Ruen Kloze, Bomb Factory, Fresh Jive was graff inspired, etc,)

There was this big ol' controversy because schools started suspending kids and making them flip their shirts inside out. Anyways well looking in my closet I found my shirt on the floor. Took a few pictures and voila.

I am bored and putting off studying.


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Guest uncle-boy
Originally posted by willy.wonka

i saw a fight that was over 12oz bullshit....dpc style!!



hahahahahn yeah it was kinda my fault.


falsing fuckas and trowing fools in da pool.


uncle-boy was a naughty naughty NightOwl. hee-hee

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i notice there's a couple of nightowls here... what the hell happened to you kids that yer home on a friday night? i tried to register for classes today and found out i need to take a placement test for math... at noon tomorrow... i have a feeling they're gonna tell me to go back to high school... (i haven't had a math class in 4 or 5 years...)


also, now that regulators a NO, me and him officially have to meet up... 2 nightowls in the bay area... word...

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