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NIGHT-OWLS: word has it we've got Boogiehands

Guest willy.wonka

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Originally posted by 455

ME And Z will can still drink ysa unda the tablre.........hahahaha......ytou wanna bet?.....when you come back you'll swee...lol.......FRUEHGTTS....hahahaI ca'yt even fuckin; hardly spells right isw....whatever.


hahahaha your killin me fourfitty. did you hear that punk decided to stay for another 2 weeks? i had to call his mom to find out.

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ok about an hour ago i decided to look at a certain picyure in my collection, then i realized that all the pictures from that roll of film have seemingly been erased from existance, the thing is, i think i can remember looking at the picture. i am trying to think back about what the fuck is going on and i cant remember what i have been doing for the last few days and more importantly i dont have the foggiest idea where my pictures are, meaning i lost a flick of a high profile spot that was buffed the next day. i dont know if i lost it somehow when i was stoned, or the pictures are still at the store, or what,and thats the worst feeling ever

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whats up kids?

wow i havent been on here in a good 2 weeks or so i think

ive been a busy beaver


arcel thanks for that ip address thingy you gave me a while back

lets just say that it and a little detective work came in real handy

ill leave it at that


hmm so whats been going on? hmm...


-one of my associates bought an uzi, its fun to shoot


-an aquaintance owes me 200 bucks and im pissed


-im putting together a model of a 65' chevelle ss396 z16 itll be badass


-i got bit by a snake


-hiked up to the hollywood sign (made it all the way)


-chapstick is good stuff


-going to the beach at 10pm to go bodysurfing is badass with a full moon


-black and tans are good (and cheap, 8 bucks for a 12)


-i found pints of arrogant bastard for 3 bucks


-i have paint on my wrists, odd


-one of my associates smokes way too much pot


-some guy tryed to fight me saying that i was whitepower

i was like what the fuck? then realized my lighter is a nascar bic

with the number 88 on it, go figure, i need to use my zippos more


-finally found my lost 'as the sun sets' cd, about time


if you would like me to expand on any of these things give me a holler

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Originally posted by nomadawhat

yo when, i got some rusted out rocker panels on my truck, interested in maybe working something out to cut that shit out and weld some shit in there??


can you upload a picture?

it all depends on just how bad the damage is

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its definately worth the effort to replace your rockers

it just depends on how much damage is done as to how hard the job will be

what kind of truck is it?

rust is a disease and it will spread if not taken care of



explorers are cool, definately better than an s-dime

im not really digging the new explorers but the 97-98s or so are bitchin

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its an explorer?

cool, well to make it simple

get an air chizel or a plasma cutter or a sawzall

and cut the entire rocker off about 1/2 inch past the rust

then get some 16-18 gauge sheetmetal and a welder

work the sheet into roughly the same shape as the rocker and weld the mother in

then use a bit of bondo to shape it

use a good sealer primer to make everything all nice

then get someone to spray some paint on it if you so desire


i doubt you live near me if im reading your location right

but ill help as much as i can

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