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NIGHT-OWLS: word has it we've got Boogiehands

Guest willy.wonka

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pistol, we have a junkyard out here that is just vintage caddies

so ill pick up all my chrome and good shit there


krie, no im not selling the truck im selling my car

i mean id much rather have this caddie than my piece of shit

1988 mazda 626 as a daily driver


im just going to paint it flat black and spray some ghost flames on it

get all the original chrome for it, run stock wheels and bag it

nothing too extreme, just a clean ride

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oo sounds good. bagss *me dreammmss*

haha mates finaly gettin his bagged, itll look orsem when he gets it.



stupid fagget ass 'lets wear a sweat band' trend

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yeah i will do, ill take a pic tonite of it. think im gonna head over there soonish n contintue drinkin :D aint that low yet, hes saving some $$$$ for a spring reset

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isnt it a toyota?

if so there arent any springs in the front

just leaf springs in the back


you can slam the fuck out of a toyota for free

by cranking down the torsion bars in the front and removing all but two leafs in the back

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ha one of my exs was just bitching me out on AIM

she was all drunk and bitter

calling me a piece of shit

like i dont already know i am :lol:

heres a little snippet, names changed to protect stuff...


dumbbitch: i would say more

dumbbitch: but i choose not to

Me: why? are you afraid ill put you in your place?

dumbbitch: no

dumbbitch: and ijm sure you dont want to hear what

ihvae to say

Me: whys that?

dumbbitch: beccause ij sure you dont want to hear the


Me: why does it hurt that bad?

dumbbitch: and you will get more bent about yourself

than you already are

Me: yea i get bent on the regular now

dumbbitch: because your a piecce of shiot

dumbbitch: and to hera someone else say it

Me: i know i am, i find it quite the way to be

dumbbitch: will just add to your ashholenes

Me: fuck it i thrive on it

dumbbitch: or whateer yiou want to call it these days

dumbbitch: anyways i dont hate you

Me: thats great



Me: what you think youre something


Me: id hate to break the truth

dumbbitch: i know im something special

dumbbitch: and y9u thought we had something

in coomin..not me

Me: you know you were sport fuck that went too far


dumbbitch signed off at 4:46:03 AM.

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Originally posted by Pistol

You should have told her you jacked off to a picture of her last night in the middle of everything or at the end and logged off.



but i think she would have enjoyed that in some way or another


this girl gives me more problems than most of my other exs

so i just resort to being an asshole towards her

but she wont go away

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you guys would have been so PROUD OF ME. you all rubbed off on me..





























and. woke up with a hangover!




i only drank. 3 beers. and smoked alot of chronic. i was faded. 3 beers..hahahaha.. im a weakling..you love me. ;]





well..im gonna go eat some bbq in a sec.. and then im gonna go out to another party..and DRINK AGAIN.. and maybe.. ill even do a beer bong.. haha.. doubtful....rawr.

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Go GO GO GO GO Go vinyl its your birth...sorry.congradulations homeskillet.


So I got flaked on a couple times tonight. I am sitting here all depressed because I have no money to go out because I need it for fines and such. And yeah. What the shit. I shoudlnt be here. I went to my dads today . wooooo. yeah. Having no money, being on probation, not being able to do many things, having a nazi for a mom, having no car , = this.



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