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NIGHT-OWLS: word has it we've got Boogiehands

Guest willy.wonka

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I need to pass out...hahaha.....but passing out on some girlies' tits sounds like a better idea.......I need to start going through the "barfly" napkins....lol.....fuck.

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Originally posted by 455

uhhhhh....I just ate a BLT from this shit-shack diner downtown.....and I feel like I need to puke.....ahhhhh....fuuuuuck.


damn i didnt think you could go wrong with a blt

not much to fuck up and make you sick with except for the bacon

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Originally posted by When

damn i didnt think you could go wrong with a blt

not much to fuck up and make you sick with except for the bacon


Bingo!......the key word was bacon......man,seriously.....I feel like shit......fuuuuuuuuuuck.

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fuck........man.......uhhhh,this is wack.......God Dammit!....uuhhh....I need to lay down......fuuuuuuuuuuck...I think I have any Pepto either......FUUUUUUUUUUUUCK!.....

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well kids... i am fucking bored... after sleeping so long last night i have absolutely no desire to sleep at all tonight...


i'm buying a friend's hyundai on friday for $250... in theory all it needs is a new radiator and it's good for another 100k...


i've been working on this zine for like a month now, and i finally finished it today, and then i found some more shit i meant to put in it... so now i have to come up with another 2 1/2 pages to fill it out...


bored bored bored...



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Originally posted by vinyl junkie

i'm buying a friend's hyundai on friday for $250... in theory all it needs is a new radiator and it's good for another 100k...



hopefully your theory is right

ive never known hyundais to last all that long though

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