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NIGHT-OWLS: word has it we've got Boogiehands

Guest willy.wonka

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Nobody answer any questions in the N.I.P/N.O. thread. lets lay lo in here. fuckin ninjas trying to make a comeback. lets mess em up cuz im the only ninja.


TMNT crew

N.O. wonk

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Guest willy.wonka

sup brothers....


im drinking on some COLT 45 and im thinking.....

but i was about to so=pend 25 shells on a fucking rave,but i decided not to..im gonna go get drunk insead....


nice shit robo.....but yeah...


k den braddahs...shoots.

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well here i am... i just got home... i'm all beat to shit from spending too much time in the pit this weekend... ealier tonight i thought someone broke my collar bone, but i've decided they just hurt it a lot... it's all swollen and it hurts to move my arm... i took off my hoodie a few minutes ago and felt some of the most intense pain i've felt in quite a while...

anyways, done to the point... i think i'm gonna change my signature to say NightOwl on hiatus... starting tuesday i will be "living" at work... it's a warehouse, and i'll be living in a small loft in the main room... monday nights there will be a narcotics anonamous meeting until 10 right below me, tuesdays there's people booking bands, wednesdays there's an na meeting and booking, thursady is a nice quite night- same as most sundays, and friday and saturday there are shows... i have permission to be here for a month, and if i need more time i can probably extend it... i got another job today, and while i'm living at work i'll be saving, either for a security deposit on a real room, or, if everything works out, to get me out to new york... so, yeah... basically i won't be on 12oz much... i can get on during the day at the local college, and maybe some nights if i crash at friend's houses, but not at work... so i have 2 more nights of fun times in the N.O. thread, and then it'll be no more wasted nights on 12oz... i'll still drop in to give my 2 cents, but not at the "appropriate time"...


and on that note i leave you with:






































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i myself am drunk also, i just got home from some kailua partying. this gurl came up to me tonight and introduced herslef out of now where, it turns out that she works at true value and can hook me up on tuesdays for dicount on paint.!!! cheee hooo!!!!!

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Airwolf Represent!.....j/k.I am in bad shape right now-still drunk...see all you cats later tonight...until then,peace out NO's.

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Originally posted by vinyl junkie

there once were rumors of a strange clan called the nightowls... they roamed the hills while everyone was asleep... as the clocks struck midnight all the doors of all homes in the villages were locked... few dared to set foot outside after the darkest hour... those that did rarely came back to tell what they saw... no one is really sure what happened to these few brave souls...

some say the nightowls feasted on their bodies... they adorned their rags with scalps and skin... maybe their bones were broken and sharpened to make crude scratching tools-- and this is what was used by the nightowls to leave their mark where ever they traveled... this is just a guess...

others say that the men who ventured out after midnight were closely followed by the nightowls... never seen, but always present... after the person spent a number of days on his own in the wilderness, fending off the beasts of the night, survivng in a desolate land, the nightowls aproached them... they would offer protection, and loyalty, and friendship... some of the strongest holds were built through the family of the nightowls... many members would never even meet, only talking through the marks they left behind, and yet they would form stronger bonds than they had ever felt in the villages they left behind... this is just another guess...

there are also tales of a meeting place... the nightowls would go there and leave notes and messages for each other... checking back often to see how the others replyed... it is said to one of the biggest meeting places in all the land...

so who are the nightowls? no one can say for sure... no one can say if they are even human, or if they are some kind of beast released into the woods and the mountains by some master mind with a hidden agenda... you can only hope to indentify the clues, and follow them to their source-- and hope some stories are simply that- stories...


...wonk slwothgin

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