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NIGHT-OWLS: word has it we've got Boogiehands

Guest willy.wonka

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i wonder if those citronella candle work. go eat a pizza with extra garlic.


i remember Florida in the summer of 91 i believe. mosquitos everyfuckingwhere. They were huge. The pools at the hotel wouldn't let anyone go swimming after dark because the mosquitos were too much. they were worried about someone catching diseases.

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but aren't you worried about being over-run by lizards after they get rid of the pigeons?


well, once that happens we'll get a species of snake imported that thrives on lizrds...


but then we'll be over run by snakes.


then we'll get a species of gorrilas that lives off the snakes...


but what about the gorrilas then?


that's the beauty part... when winter rolls around they'll all freeze to death...

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the other day i had to go to the park where I coach and i decided to put up an oolong sticker. so i put it up so when you head into the park from the parking lot you'd have to see it. so i had to go back today and it was gone. i was slightly annoyed since it had only been there a week or less. but as i get closer to this electrical box i see someone had taken it off the side and put it on the top of the box.


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ok now it defy's special time of the night/morning where i actually say some that has context:


What if we could hack into BNSF or CSX or UP, or even have some one on the inside. We could find out where they are planning to build a new yard. Then we could buy that plot of land before they even get a chance to purchase the land. the we build a shitty ass "chill house" then we make an offer to what ever freight company it may be, saying that we would sell them the land, but we would keep the house (the key is to sell the land for more than we paind for it) then when the yard is done, we would have a freight yard in our backyard. and this would be the ill house of the mad freights!..


thats my moment of context i hope you enjoyed.


stay tune tomarrow night, when i discuss another topic.

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i realized yesterday how totally spoiled i am by my computer (2 year old mac g3 powerbook... wireless dsl...)... i always think it's slow and shit, but yesterday i was using the computer at my buddy's shop... he's got like the very first g3 tower i think, with an internal dial up... first, i had to actually had wait a few seconds for programs to open... then i actually had to wait for web pages to load... then, i even had to get up and leave to smoke a cigarette... i'm jaded...

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Originally posted by Robocop

we would have a freight yard in our backyard.

my buddy's back yard is a lay up... (you'll see it when you come out here)

yesterday we spent about 3 hours just sitting against his fence benching trains... and that's after hitting up the string that was sitting there in broad daylight... while we were sitting there about every 5 minutes one of the cars going by on the freeway would honk and wave at us... good times...

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In my city there about 3-4 different sets of tracks.

trains always stop here to unload stuff. Also in my homies dead end is some tracks. there is a gate right there so sometimes the trains stop and the conductors walk to Dennys right there.

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Guest willy.wonka

oh i know!


i called my tweakin friend that i havent seen in a while...he answered his phone tweakin...mumblin about crazy "emotional" drama..."i gota jet out of this house." he says....

i took a unisom, so i should be passin out within the next hour or so....

well,i made all these night owl stickers..:)

looks cool.


damn im bored...i need to fall asleep.nust wake up at a decient time.

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HEY WILLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!


let's start a new thread......I would like to converse but this fuckin' thing takes waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay to long to get set up....and it sucks(no, it is not my trusty computer)...this shit has like 37 pages now.....you agree?.....what's up?.

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