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NIGHT-OWLS: word has it we've got Boogiehands

Guest willy.wonka

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Guest willy.wonka

my freakin head hurts!!


man this weekend is wierd...right now i gota freakin headache..i smoked pot tonight.fuckin sucked.

oh well..

wonk slwothgin.......:o :(

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well, pistol, i'd love to comment on yer car show thread, but all those pics are totally bogging down my computer... :lol:

there are definately some hot cars in there... i'm a fan of reworked preludes, and also ground effects... however, just lemme say how out of hand people are getting with carbon fiber... that shit's lame in my opinion... if yer gonna use it for something huge, i think you should at least paint it... b ut anyways, good stuff... you should put some of those girls in the boobs thread too...

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on a completely different subject...


while feeling sorry for myself about how i can't find a job or a place to live, i remembered a conversation i had with a buddy of mine... see, he's going to new york soon to go take care of his grandfather who's dying i think... he would only be there for the summer probably, and while he's there he gets a damn nice, and free, apartment in manhattan... so we were talking, and he was saying that, yeah, it would be damn fun to be in new york for a while, especially rent free, but he doesn't really know nayone there... this was a couple of days ago, and today i realized: i need somewhere to live, i've been wanting to travel this summer, i want to see new york at some point, and there's a school i wanna look at in new york... why not see if he wants some company?


but here's the thing: totally aside from the fact that i don't know if he would actually want company, he's probably leaving in about a week... so, if i were to go with him, then that means i would have to totally drop everything and leave... skip out on the small job that i do have, miss some shows that i really wanna see this summer, miss the possible nightowl meet-up, miss robocop coming out here (don't worry tho, i could hook you up with blood as ink to show you around...) and all that...


so, anyways, hmm...:confused:

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Guest uncle-boy

if your homie is down,

and you really want to go,

i'd say go for it.

what better time to accomplish something you want then now?

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Dude if it's something you really want to do and your boy doesent mind you living there with him and the grandpa go for it.

Do it while your not working. Maybe you could get a little summer job out there for spending money and to save up for when you get back home and need a place to stay away from your parents.

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i'm pretty sure i'm gonna try to talk him into it...

bonus: i wouldn't be living with him and gramps, his grandparents own several apartment buildings, so my buddy's getting his own classy ass apartment...

the only thing that makes me not wanna ask, is that if he goes for it, i could be in new york a week from now... as in drop everything... immediately...

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well sorry i wasnt around tonight fellas, but i did go bombing :) so at least i did something productive.


this is for Pistol:

i got Light Wave 7, and Illustrator10 if you want either of these get on AIM, and we will figure a way to send them.

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Guns N Roses - Sweet Child of Mine

Guns N Roses - Knockin on Heavens Door

Guns N Roses - November Rain

Guns N Roses - Cats In The Cradle

Guns N Roses - Welcome To the Jungle

Queen - We are the Champions

Queen - Bohemian Rhapsody




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Guest willy.wonka

just to let you boys know..i was here.


dirty deeds....done dirt cheap......




i saw the girl of my dreams tonight...April...ASER1NE knows..she looks like veronica,but better...more real.she digs me too.well on the count that i dont have a job and all......now i really need one..cause all the girls were talkin and all of a sudden they gathered around me and started to tell me to go here..go here..then april comes around and she starts talkin about how shes gonna go there to look for work...my sistahs around me are tryin to hook me up..

she is very beautiful..if i was with her....i'd try to keep her around for marriage type deals....like that.she's smart too...kinda acts like me from what i seen...smart.."kinda anti-social" and damn she is fine with a fucked up boyfriend..the odd couple...veronica with some fat guy.

well i smoked weed after a month or so..that sucked...had the biggest headache of all time...could have been the budlight though..;)


my mom has taken the roll of being on the computer late night..so thats one reason why i havent been on...but im here,planning on doing a nightowls piece..stuff ly'dat....


well shoots braddahs...



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IT'S FUCKING EARLY!!! i went to sleep about 2 hours ago... now it's about 9 in the morning (i haven't been awake this early in weeks) and i'm off in just a minute... gotta go get my oil changed and then i've hauling shit all day... upside: make some money, hang out with a buddy of mine, do one of my favorite drives- severaltimes... downside: IT'S FUCKING EARLY!!!

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