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NIGHT-OWLS: word has it we've got Boogiehands

Guest willy.wonka

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Guest willy.wonka

sorry,but i laid my eyes upon the sorry ass hip hop scene in hawaii again..


seen my old best friend,whos now a fake asshole..

im hella drunk...kissin on my homegirl..i dont know why we dont hook-up with each other....probably cause she knows im a playa..

i tried to ask her to come up to my room and lay with me...she just wasnt havin it...i know she loves me though....she's my best friend.

well tonight was wack..thats all i can say.i hate the hawaiian hip hop scene...bunch of bogus assholes if you ask me..thank god my crew showed up...thats when all my smiles came up...


pistol...your my homie..thats all i can say...in a geeky computer way.

but for real...you nightowls are down...we got this 12oz on lock.even if we dont have computers or go on anymore...i know deep within our hearts...we know...to that ZOW ZOW to the alien nightowl..nightowls.....we fuckin rock.

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thats making me think of that situation I hate..the friends that make out thing. Its nothing but bad news, or atleast for me it is. Mixed emtions, feelings, messages, and interpretations mean nothing but bad things for the Zack Morris....I guess I am going to go call my ex girlfriend and see if she wants to get drunk tonight.

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Guest willy.wonka

well shit...i gota wait until around midnight to go out..wait til my homie gets home and drink on a 24pack of hienekens we scored from this party.

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like whoa...my stickers are on here. hahah they suck so bad. but oh well.


zacko...i'll make you some stickers. dont worry.


i love how my stickers are almost next to the nekkid asian girls. but my sticker girls are much better looking anyways. ;)

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