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NIGHT-OWLS: word has it we've got Boogiehands

Guest willy.wonka

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Originally posted by Zack Morris

its the really sweet girl that I am staying with in LA...I told her that when I am out there its a night owls night out at the strip clubs and she said she loves strip clubs...so she gets points in my book.



nice! its gonna be a nightowl party for sure

how long are you gonna be out here anyway?

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atleast a week...one of ht emajor reasons I am getting a job is so I can get the cash together to get out there..I am thinking it will cost at a minimum $500. Thats $250-$300 for aplane ticket and the rest as spending money...I am sure by then if I keep on a budgetI will also have some cash in my savings to yank out with my checking card if I get low out there.

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Zack Morris is the most blunt person when he is drunk. here is an example of a normal drunken Zack pickup line "Hi, my name is Zack Morris. I think your cute. Wanna makeout?"


I'm in no way exagerating. Plus my naked alter ego likes to make appearences at keggers to celebrate beer number 5.


When I am sober I am kinda quiet and shy, when I am drunk I am the exact opposite.

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im always blunt.

i find it works quite well

i guess im 1/4 asshole 1/4 cocky and 1/2 chick magnet ...haha

only the psycho girls like me

yea when you come out im sure youll have a good time

going to TJ and other such things are just too much damn fun

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gatorade, hangover cure numero uno


yea its not too much fun out here until someone comes that doesnt live here then its like wow this place is great, like rediscovering shit

my roommates friend from texas is coming out tuesday so i know ill be doing some fun shit while he is here

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my truck is a champ the original engine had almost 300000 miles on it before i ruined it, it probably would have gone longer.


getting a new car preppie?


well i think im gonna end my posts tonite on this great number of 2666

my head needs to hit the pillow for a few hours before work anyways.


till tomorrow zacko

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Guest willy.wonka

my sweet cute little recruiter shoed signs that the military is not for me...and the light shines upon me once again..:D

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Hey nightowls. I see splinter has graced us with his presence. Well my girl got some rims and tires for her car and had dinner with her nina and uncle. So Pistol is bored. I wish I had a car to put rims on. Plus she has my system since I don't have a car of my own.


Pistol needs to get a job or sell DR*GS.

(edited for 12oz policy)

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fuck my ears....the rings on my plugs have chaffed my left ear lobe to the point of it bleeding sometime between last night and today and it got infected and is swollen and pussing. Yay!! so that means I am cleaning it like mad and I get to drive to the piercing shop tomorrow to buy jewelry to accomodate the sweeling and broken skin...I am so tempted to just say fuck it and let them close.

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