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NIGHT-OWLS: word has it we've got Boogiehands

Guest willy.wonka

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..hurry up weekend.



Why does my brother have to have his music up so loud everyone in the street can hear it? He pumps out eminem like the whole suburb is wanting to listen to this shit.

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hurry up weekend indeed.



-The Royal Show

-I get paid

-the girl gets the weekend off


your brothers making me laugh man, hahahah i can just imagine him in his boxers with a deoderant can as a microphone in front of the mirror all like:


"this looks like a job for me so everybody come follow me..."

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gravity games is like the x-games

theres surfing, wake boarding, moto x, bmx, skate and music acts from Unwritten Law, MxPx, Good Charlotte, etc.

tis on October 14-17, and is the first time its been held out of the US. perth will be holding it for the next three years








and scribe is a dude from NZ, bitta hip-hop

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Originally posted by MLTf4nt0m

sure thing. take fliks at that busta show.


No probs, will do.


Originally posted by alure

i'm sick ;[


What kinda sick is it? like sore throat? feeling week? blocked nose? for any general sickness (unless its like a virus or flu) all you have to do is


-increase your amount of fluids (water and juices NO SODA)


-multi vitamins, especially vitamin C (oranges work wonders trust me


-basic excersize, if you can get yourself to sweat a little bit it will flush out some of the toxins in your body


-Rest, sit back and watch some jerry springer, rikki lake and oprah.


trust me, you will be as good as new the next day.

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perhaps - yeah, and you registered this month, which coulda been today, yesterday, the day before. 40 posts isnt hard.


fatbastard - quit your bitching man! just the other day you were talking about: "great weekend with the lady" and whatnot. what seems to be the problem here sir? nothing you cant fix with your charm im sure. ah ha. *ahem* sorry, bad joke.



cloner, i got an idea for you tho.





































eat a dick:idea: bwa hahahahahahaha! holla on aim douche. and you better not forget that camera today.

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