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Everything posted by glorydays

  1. facts machine! lmao my bad but yea...i def see why you fuck with these they are fucking comfy
  2. This one's for @CLICKCLACKONER Nike inneva woven
  3. BRO, BIG FACTS FAX MACHINE the one thing i got from youtube is gi manipulation i dont want to stray from my professor also.......the system he teaches is fucking rad
  4. oh for sure....there is some shit that is just make believe unrealistic shit pops up and i learn what doesnt work
  5. @fat ralphy bro, i have to tell you keenan's lower lapel advice............goddamn, son that shit is so affective...it cuts off an entire side of your opponent and for people who have never experienced it get so confused.
  6. I'll try that out my professor rocked my shit
  7. i know what you mean i feel yesterday
  8. @fat ralphytape job how do you do yours??? im a lapel player....dont hate lmao
  9. fox news has been promoting this idea that old people should dump their retirement funds into precious metals remember those commercials where this old catheter cowboy says "buy this gold when you're old" wallstreet bets is gonna make sure that precious metals are valuable.
  10. i'd push back on that if regulations hit all players in the stock market...there's no way that it would only target 1 type of player i truly believe you can fight that in court
  12. Oh word....fuck then i have no idea what other apps to use
  13. this is gonna sound weird, raven use cashapp lmaoooo
  14. BACK AT IT. my gym opened up and my coach gave me a call we rolling again monday night
  15. I agree with you. I don't "hate" on the rich as much as i hate the type of class warfare the rich wages on the poor. Starvation and eviction are weaponized to force them to work harder for smaller pay. The banks and loaning credit unions make sure to keep cash flow moving in their direction. If the people can't pay their loans back? The banks and credit unions "sell" the debts to debt collection agencies. The entire marketing architecture is based on moving money away from the working class while at the same time forcing them to work harder. Working harder means avoiding the pitfalls set by the banks and loan sharks. Even the state helps the financial institutes with corralling the poor. Sheriffs are called in for evictions and debt collection. My "hate" for the rich is really my recognition of how dangerous the rich are when it comes to their need for more and more money.
  16. that's true but a majority of hedge funds out in wallstreet, especially ones that have those "licenses and certs" to play in the stock market, have a minimum to join I'm not saying that there arent smaller money markets that anyone and everyone can join, but the ones that shake the ground are extremely exclusive and have astronomically high minimums to join.
  17. the one red flag that i know i see that is ALWAYS consistent before a crash? the super rich start to hoard a disgusting amount of liquidity. NOT property, LIQUIDITY. Whenever you notice this in the news, prepare for a recession.
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