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Premium Account User

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Everything posted by Premium Account User

  1. in an act of false charity, offer it as a gift to your worst enemy
  2. just logged in - wondering why oh yeah , checkers
  3. Re: random thoughts incredible how dog ass horny you can be before you nut, and how uninterested in sex you can be after being bipolar is probably like that, just all the time thats crazy
  4. some disgusting looking pizza on this page shame on you all
  5. wisconsin "wheel" looks bready as fuck will the fast food pizza chains eventually offer a vegan option???? i fear the future
  6. it was definitely morton that called you out last time, red. friend just celebrated a year. incredible
  7. bulletproof chicken.......for breakfast life is crazy
  8. wow lmao unforbidden love.......she mean forbidden love right?????? hahahahaha these schools are failing our children
  9. your boy needs to put his weight into those punches, he throws flat footed with his arms
  10. wes anderson movies map some coming of age blossoming into maturity shit for me. like when I first saw Rushmore I was like whoa this is cute and whimsical and arty and different - Cool. now his whimsy is just disgusting and cloying and way too sweet. ahhh to be young and idealistic. tldr: ayyy lmao
  11. ^may I ask why? unless you have celiacs i dont understand why people feel the need to cut gluten out entirely. four people at my job are gluten free, only one has any real medical reason to be so.
  12. i dont miss domino's pizza........but i miss thinking domino's pizza is dope, do you know what im saying?
  13. damn boats eating turkey sandwich from the bodega rn
  14. square pepperoni pizza looks dope...good amount of topping
  15. that pizza is some "for the internet" type shit, nobody is actually eating that if it was free i would eat that
  16. all about that bk dollar menu now mass things done changed
  17. lil ceasers is no culinary achievement but its good to stay humble sometimes ill grab one on the way home and just add whatever leftover shit i have in the fridge to it and reheat in the oven.......ashamed to say, pretty good
  18. good bar congrats care to name those french ciders? they sound good
  19. BIGUP MEAT now the hard work starts
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