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Hua Guofang

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Everything posted by Hua Guofang

  1. Tendonitis all but passed, looking forward to new year, switching to majority compound and core work.
  2. Actually, I just went and ran the clippers over my dial after posting that. It's fucking hot here today and my facial laziness was finally outweighed by discomfort.
  3. I fail because I'm married and ate a meal in a cafe?! Hahaha...., rightio! You, my friend, take this thread far more seriously than myself, which is nice, thank you. But I do like how you pillory me for writing a long post talking about how other people's ideas annoy me and you, in response write a long post trying to make me change my ideas....., and then try and convince us that you're nothing like me!! Hahaha, nice one, mate!! PS, you seem to miss the fact that I don't care about beards at all, that it's about the influence of fashion trends that I was discussing. As a matter of fact, I have a lazy old beard now myself, yay!! But thanks for playing anyway ;)
  4. Some decent enough kit there.
  5. Ha, my first ever concert was Ronnie James Dio.
  6. However the improvements this thread has made to the place are amazing. Thanks, man <3
  7. Nope, don't care how people look, that was not my point. I was talking about how people make decisions and used the current beard trend as a case in point. I seriously don't see what the hype is over Hunger Games. It's a pretty well trodden storyline and the first movie was pretty predictable. Distinct lack of boobage as well.
  8. Cool thing about your girlfriend having her own place - I get to bang her when you guys argue
  9. Nothing like a bong poop in the morning to remind you how much you really love some one.....
  10. Waking up with a future, I win for longer. PS, In the last few places I've lived I've woken up looking out on to the Brindabella mountains, Beijing mountains and Sydney harbour..., with hot coffee..., and a shower. I win X3.
  11. Well it's MEK-3 , Al-1 (if you can really give legitimacy to masturbatory self-voting!!) Unless there are anymore votes I say we move on to C, however MEK chooses to have it done.
  12. again, it's not about how people look, it's their decision making processes I'm getting at. Replace the word 'beard' with 'fixie bicycle' if it helps.
  13. voting for yourself, fo real?!
  14. lol, well shit, I wouldn't have got that in 100 years! nice one.
  15. Cool thing about having a house: I'm not homeless and get to sleep in a bed.
  16. See, I'm not as perturbed by this cat as I am the foo's that follow him. I'm sure he ^^^ wasn't the anti-fashionista but I guess there's at least some level of authenticity about him..., maybe. It's the fucking wallies that follow this kind of guy. First there was the anti-fashionista, then there were people like this comedian ^^^ and then there were the every day, McDonald's eating, accounts office admin, blockbuster watching average Joe who in no other way fits the picture other than they grew a fucking beard...., because it was coming in to fashion. Not only are they not the original and stylish anti-fashionista but they aren't even the person that first followed the anti-fashion, they are the DICK that simply followed an established fashion simply because it was fashion!! Well, you really don't qualify as a fashion victim then, do you? And in that case, this thread is not about you at all. Funny, I would have thought that an English professor could both read and use correct grammar, though. You sure you're not just a fashion victim trying to cover your tracks..., hmmmm?
  17. ooh, what was that ^^^ is there a gif or vid clip of that punch?
  18. As I say in my wall of text, people who autonomously bushy-up are cool in my books. It's the weak-ass tools that only do it when fashion trends tell them it's the thing to do. Oh, and Pfffft, I'm not sleeping in that pic, I'm just checking my left boob out. It's pretty hot.
  19. TL-DR = people who follow fashion do so because they can't think for themselves and crave attention and validation from those around them. Beards are the biggest and dumbest fashion trend ever.
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