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One Man Banned

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Everything posted by One Man Banned

  1. I didn't follow the link, but did see that on Google when I went there for other reasons. Is that key punching type the equivalent of illiterate people signing there name with an X before computers?
  2. And you came to this site to create a screen name and post about it? Why? I don't get what's going on around here anymore.
  3. Would probalby buy a house near an active line or yard. Or at least get enough property where I could buy up a few boxcars, a caboose, an engine, just enough track for them to sit on, and drop that shit in my backyard or something. Paint the boxcars, wire the caboose up with electric, carpeting, couches, some bookshelves and shit, man cave that bitch.
  4. Was creeping on this guy for pic, this is the moment he turned and noticed me, caught his surprise.
  5. Still going to encourage others, just post one pic if you're browsing through here. All right then, let's bump this to page 1000. Bobcat stopped for a pic.
  6. Halloween candy. Damn, some of you gonna have some nasty drawers with what you're eating!
  7. Come on @theprotester you can post some pics too? Weren't you the guy who was distilling some time ago?
  8. http://www.nydailynews.com/news/world/patient-burned-mid-surgery-explosion-laser-ignites-fart-article-1.2852543
  9. Sitting on some flix, few for now. Want to see others post some more too.
  10. Thinking about this the internetz would probably choose something like Graffy McGraff Face, so I say go with that, works well for an E2E.
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